
A simple bit of salad.


No spuds is a game-changer.

Did ye pick up a job lot of rocket somewhere?
Whatever about the ‘salad’, rocket on a shepherds pie looks all wrong.

fantastic to see how far we have all come in our journeys towards proper diet and nutrition


Would you add the juice of the lemon during cooking or at the end?

The Incas were cultivating Quinoa 4000 years ago, and regarded it as a sacred food. Until the Spanish forced them to convert to wheat. Murderous Spanish cunts.

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The recipe says add it with the stock, but I suppose you could add some at the end (along with some lemon or lime zest for some added zest). If it wasn’t for his self imposed exile, @ironmoth could add his 2c.

Sounds very unusual to be adding the juice with the stock, I would definitely be adding that just before serving, it’s going to be fairly ineffective if added with a pint of stock.

That’s a fair dollop of butter on your bread there. Your arteries will be clogged with the stuff.

Real butter never killed anyone. And what the fuck would you know about my arteries you cunt?


proper butter is actually good for you


Recent studies suggest real butter is much better for you than those low fat spreads. All down to the molecular structure apparently. That low fat spread shit is fucking disgusting, I wouldn’t give it to the dog


Real butter on a slice of bead is a real treat.


Its a simple observation. No need for the over reaction. I’m a fan of real butter, in moderation of course. Not spread around in clumps like a roaster like on the photo you posted.

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What do you mean in moderation you fucking arsehole.
What do you know about my butter consumption.
Is it near impossible now for you to post on anything without that sneary condescending tone.


Is it possible for you not to throw a strop when someone questions you or disagrees with you on something?

That looks really good, is that beef? I’m going through a rocket eating phase myself at the moment, loads in the garden, piss easy to grow.

The Christian way.

Signing in with tuppence…

Adding citric acid during the cooking could be to prevent it getting overly mushy, as some people do for rice to prevent it sticking. Try it both ways @tallback and see how it turns out.

I’d be a big fan of tarting up rice with some lime juice, lime zest, chopped fresh coriander, and olive oil. Always added to cooked drained rice - reason is simple - I love the freshness it gives the rice. No cloves either.



Just popped a meatzza in the oven which I picked up in Kerrigans butchers. These could be a game changer