
Is it too late to send a pic of it?

what is a meatzza@ @Big_Dan_Campbell t sounds unreal

Nice. Can you fire up a pic when you get her out of the oven? This has the potential to be a gamechanger.


I thought I had a picture of the finished article but it didn’t save. It was top notch

Did you put curry sauce all over it?

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Once you enjoyed it is the main thing pal.

Cod and chorizo in tomato sauce with some mashed sweet potato and peas. A lovely bit of dinner.


Is it fuck. Acknowledgement from your e-peers is always the main thing here.

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I don’t need to see photos of other posters dinner, each to their own though.

Be happy with yourself kid and you won’t need acknowledgement from anyone.

Sounds daycant pal

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Rinne me seo anocht agus bhi se smaisheach…i used spices instead of real thing (ginger and parsley and no fish sauce) ach bhi sego halainn

I had tip out to the home place this morning to help calve a heifer and got back @ 6:30am, wasn’t worth going to bed then before work, anyway I was mad for something tasty and quick so fried up a nice bit of lambs liver, gave it a right good go in the pan.
But the best of all was I doused it with sweet chilli sauce. Absolutely fantastic.
Don’t anyone judge me before you try this tasty quick nutricious snack.

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I suppose you’d need a full stomach to spend the day bullying someone out of a job. You’d need all the energy you could get for that.


Nah I’m good at it now. I can do it before the breakfast if the opportunity presents itself.

Jesus Christ that quinoa is an awful price. Just paid £2.35 for 300 grammes

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Have had a box of this stuff on the shelf for months now. Maybe even a year. Threw it on tonight.
It doesn’t taste of anything.

Couscous salad. Awful dry

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I’ll try it tomorrow night

Fairly ravenous