
:rollseyes: Its obviously a joke mate, he’s having you on. No one sober would eat that, much less brag on the internet about eating it.

A ham-fisted effort, I thought they were doing Papa John’s pizzas now? That thing is an abomination.

I can’t abide by people defiling this once great thread. Thread should be locked for only the true gourmands.

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That’s nothing mate. There’s fuck all eating in that.

I can’t speak for the Dunph but from the opening post i suspect the thread was not set up as some kind of fancy dan, gourmet thread. It has matured to include such discussions but is not exclusive to it.


Yeah they’re all serving papa john’s pizzas now as far as i can see.

Looks great.
A dish that says ‘Friday afternoon’.

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My point is quinoa was not just a 2008 thing.

Yep. No more than the cocaine.

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Archaeological evidence. Excavations of tombs in Peru have found jars of quinoa seeds dating from ~7000 years ago (it was a sacred plant to the Incas).

What do you recommend serving it with?

The whole Incan empire couldn’t handle a few hundred wheat eating Spaniards.

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It’s quite bland on its own but if you tart it up a bit it is quite tasty. I posted a recipe here a few days ago. I use it a lot instead of rice so with sautéed veggies, fish, that sort of thing. Are you eating fish?

I’m back on the meat. Red meat 2 days a week. Fish/vegatrarian the other 5


Labane posted up a recipe but I think it’s far better and easier to just cook it up and then dress it. Some lemon juice a clove of garlic olive oil and some chopped mint parsley or coriander and some salt and pepper will really liven it up.

Or something like the above with peas feta sundried tomatoes and Spring onions would be lovely.

That’s basically my recipe you plagiarizing cunt. Sauté an onion, garlic, coriander and cumin first to give it a bit of richness and use a good quality stock.

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No it isn’t, you wanted to cook it in lemon juice for some stupid reason you thick cunt.


Adding a bit if lemon juice with the stock prevents it from sticking and results in a nicer finished product as explained by the culinary guru @ironmoth. Instead of lashing out try and listen, you might learn something you gimp.

Word for word that’s exactly what is recommended on the back of my box of quinoa