

It won’t stick together if you don’t overcook it. You’re the one who started the name calling fucko now wind your neck in before I run you out of this thread as well.

I went roaster last night. What the fuck did I buy 2 pizzas for. Heading the Manchester now. Sure I can leave it here and ate when I get back on Monday. It would be alright wouldn’t it lads?


It’ll be grand. Just wrap it in tinfoil. Do you know what tinfoil is

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Of course he does - he’s from Clare. Tinfoil is used in moderation that side of the Shannon. The following photos were taken in Co. Tipperary:

I thought Tassoti was a success story who appreciated the finer things in life.
That cheap laminate floor is like something you’d see in a council house bedroom.


How do you define success pal?

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Same as anyone else would mate, it’s a word.

Haven’t read an awful lot here but it seemed he’s not usually afraid to spend a few bob on something decent. Maybe I’ve confused him, I wouldn’t put that floor in the doghouse.

Ah here. I have achieved spiritual fulfillment. That my friends is success. Only roastera are concerned with material shite.


Chinese New Year here, absolutely bursting after this feast.



The Chinese can do amazing things with dogs these days.

Singapore is a different country mate.

Pretty much all of that looks disgusting. I wouldn’t touch any of it with a fucking barge pole.
The Chinese really are a disgusting bunch of fuckers who’d ate anything.

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Duck, scallops, meatball soup, broccoli. mushrooms etc look disgusting mate? Well if you say so.

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I think you’ll find it’s not mate. It’s all part of ‘Chinkialand’.

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My apologies mate, what part of China is Singapore in?

Chinese New year you say?

I’m sure the Chinese have a lot going for them but their food is not one of thi.

Yeah mate, Chinese New Year is celebrated in a number of countries outside of China, like Malaysia, Korea, Singapore etc.

Sound. Enjoy your Chinese New year celebrations and enjoy your Chinese food.

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