
Cheers mate. :clap:

Singapore is a fabulous spot for food, spent a week there and thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s more Malaysian influenced than Chinese but fusion at its finest. If you haven’t read it I’d recommend Cradle of Flavor by James Oseland, great yarns from his time in the spice islands and recipes are straightforward enough.


HBV, would your experience of Chinese food be limited to Irish and British takeaway?

Chinese food here is disgusting, I’ve never been to China but some of the best things I’ve ever eaten were in New York’s Chinatown.

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No Chinese food in Ireland is vile. I haven’t sampled it in over 10 years


Chinese food is deplorable shit.

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But you have eaten Chinese food in China or an authentic Restaurant elsewhere?
Irish Chinese food is not representative of the cuisine of that country. China Sichuan in Sandyford does decent enough grub but I’ve never had a good Chinese anywhere else. I was in a place in Belfast once where the Chinese customers were ordering off a different menu than the rest of us, what they were eating looked vile but I’ve no doubt it was a lot better than what we had.

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Listen kid. I know you’re new and all that but racism is the last taboo on here. So just to let you know, no more identifying people by their eating habits and dress code etc.
You can’t identify a race by their cuisine or eating habits. We’re all part of the “globe” now.
I don’t mean to offend you with this advice, but that’s the way the lads want it here.

@anon7035031 - I have a nice 1.5 kg cut of beef brisket, which I was intending to corn for next weekend. However, kids and missus are dosed, so was thinking of using it for tomorrow’s dinner instead - getting up early and searing it before putting it into the slow cooker with onions, homemade stock, a splash of worcestershire sauce, some herbs and peppercorns. Any other suggestions pal? Simplest is bestest for tomorrow.

If it’s rolled and tied I’d suggest cutting and cooking on the flat, cut criss cross deep incisions and rub with a decent steak rub or herb mix, sit it in a small amount of stock(Worcester sauce also if you like) and on top of said onions, it will release a lot of juice in the cooking for your gravy.
Brisket is a fantastic cut of meat.


Ten Four, sorry for offending you pal, I can see now that I was completely out of order and I am self flagellating as I’m typing this

Iv been to China. The food is unbelievably shit. I wouldn’t feed it to a dog. In Ireland they add chemicals to it to make it palatable for paddy.


Indeed it is!

This is how you smoke a Brisket mate, from the master himself.


And here’s how you choose your brisket and trim it…


Sorry for tardy reply but pre Super Bowl festive season here.
Good input from @backinatracksuit, a slow cooked slab of meat on a bed of onions is hard to beat. Personally I never cook anything in the slow cooker without alcohol of some kind, so here’s a suggestion with upcoming Paddys day in mind. I’m sure it’s not that different but I like to cook brisket in a Dutch oven in the oven (temp can be moderate so you don’t need a furnace like @HBV.
Salt, pepper, dry mustard and mixed herb rub, sear.
A shit ton of onions, garlic, mushrooms, tbs brown sugar, half and half your stock and Guinness from the bottle, slow cooker for x hours.
I would then take the meat out and wrap it in tinfoil (because I do that to all meat) and finish off the sauce with a tbs Dijon and tbs red wine vinegar. There’s something about sugar, wine vinegar and mustard that makes any cut if meat taste excellent.

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The food in the brothels is poor enough I’d imagine. Making blanket statements about Chinese food is as idiotic as making them about American food. China has north of 50 regions with the food varying a lot by region. I made some food recently for some Chinese visitors and they politely asked if it was Italian. I had the worst food I have ever tasted in Shanghai but also some of the best. Like everywhere depends on who is doing the cooking and the ingredients available to them. The Chinese are not that unlike the French in that they will basically find a way to cook anything that was once living.


Back the fuck up motherfucker. Chinese food is unbelievably good. And the variation is unrALE UNBELIEVABLE. I spent four and a half years in China and I’ve never experienced such fantastic food and the amazing diversity(granted it’s a big place). Real Chinese food fucking rocks. Yunnan, Xinjang, Sichuan, Shanghai, dongbei, Guilin,… every place has a type of food and style of cooking that they pride themselves on. It’s sensational.


Had a lovely Yum Cha Sunday lunch today. Chinese cuisine is beautiful and a complete contrast to her people, who are generally rude, filthy weirdos.

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Where were did you have that @Chucks_Nwoko?

Sitting on the couch myself drinking a few John Boston Pale Ale’s waiting for missus Lokos chicken fajitas

Golden Unicorn in Maroubra. Good for a change from the usual roast. I’m an awful man for the dumplings these days.