
Can you elaborate on this? Some contraption you bought in a box? Frozen I presume? Serving how many?

A breadcrumbed fish cake, got from the chilled section in Aldi. There was two big thick cakes in the pack. You wouldn’t want more than one for a starter. I had them with a garlic and chilli dip and a bit of rocket.

Two of them with a few home chips would be a fine dinner.

You leave Fitzy out of this.

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Thanks Fran, for looking out for me.

Would they go with oven chips instead of actual chips?

Thanks mate. It’s most upsetting when people try to bully me.

The recipe

The result

Unreal. Sensational a game changer

Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall deserves the presidency of England, I served it with home made oven chips


Have the in-laws over for dinner in a bit. If 3kg of lamb doesn’t knock their socks off, we may need to reevaluate the relationship. Barbecued, as the Lord God, our creator and saviour, intended.


Lamb of god !!!

@Tassotti did you ever eat Lebanese food pal. I had an unreal feed of it last night. Mezze I had. They just kept bringing dish after dish of salads, hummus, falafels, pittas, and meats, and something that I think might have been a sheeps bollock, but I didn’t know the French for it so I couldn’t ask. It may have changed my life in a way that I didn’t think possible.

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Love an aul falafel wrap


Where Fagan? I’m going to little Jerusalem next week.

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Paris mate.

Probably nicer than the place in rathmines so

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Little Jerusalem is a nice spot glas - Fagan is probably loading himself up on all sorts of gone-off horse meat. The French are horrible bastards altogether.

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Where are you based Chucks with the Barbie firing in February. it seems to be very popular to cook anything on the BBQ on this thread, What’s wrong with your oven?

I’m doing a fairly simple stew here in Limerick to counteract the shitty weather, naturally there’ll be decent eating in it today but tomorrow it will be at it’s best.
Full shoulder of lamb diced, shallots, carrots, leeks, celery, mushrooms, thyme, homemade beef stock and a mix of floury and waxy potatoes.

Sydney. I wouldn’t be at that carryon at home. I’d be run outta the house.

How did it go?

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An awful waste of a shoulder of lamb to be stewing it.

Not at all, a shoulder of lamb can be a splendid slow roast if that is what you are suggesting but it is fantastic in a stew, couldn’t get the lamb neck this morning and couldn’t be arsed taking my chances with the pre diced pieces that were on offer.