
The vanilla extract should last for well over 10-15 batches. I’d also regularly use it in pancakes, deserts, etc. So, it’s an essential ingredient in my house. A lot of the store bought product is laced with syrups and refined sugars. I personally avoid that, hence making my own. Added to that, even the best quality granolas in the store fall well short on taste compared to home made granola. I’m planning a new batch tonight…

I have a nice wet muesli for breakfast today. Oats, california raisins, pumpkin seeds, squeeze of lemon juice, water - soaked overnight. Will add cinnamon to it before atein’ the shit out of it.



Would you fuck off, you clown.


I expect this to be up on the Stuck on 9 Likes Thread by 3 O’Clock

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What establishment is that?

Thats a whoper is it not

Burger king first one I had in around 10 year. I dunno what is wrong with me today. I’m here now in the Chinese waiting for a take away. I’m ravenous

Worms buddy,you need a good dose of ivomec or nilzan plus,Western Whoppers were the buisness back in the day when i lived in turnpike lane

Is that prawn fried rice? Looks gorgeous.

unreal, fit to burst now, I had chips and a cod fish pie for my lunch to today

You must be an awful size. Carl Froch becomes Carl Frucked.


its the first cheat day i had in 14 months


I’m only pulling your leg mate. We all have cheat days - it’s down to the quality of the cheat though. We’ve a pizzeria nearby - run by Italians, wood fired oven, quality ingredients. I’d fucking murder one of their wild mushroom and fennel sausage pizzas right now, but I’m going to go to bed instead. This clobber I bought on @TheUlteriorMotive’s recommendation is a perfect fit and the last thing I need is to have the dreaded bread bloats.


Lads, avoid bread at all costs if at all possible, or else get your intake of it down to the bare minimum. I’m a new man since i started eating sourdough instead of any of the roaster breads like Brennan’s or Irish Pride.


You’ve been living on cheese on toast for the last 6 months you disgusting cunt.

Superfood extravaganza