
Unreal the way those eggs look

I’m after finishing it just now. It was absolutely unbelievable. I put half of it in between two slices of toast, and put red sauce all over it. A hot cup of tea as well. You have to treat yourself the odd time.

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Lads, how thick would you cut a lump of black pudding,? I like mine around 15mm, then under the grill. Cooked on the outside good and crispy. Raw on the inside. Unreal it is

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I like mine thin myself. Cooked in the pan then until they’re crispy on the outside and barely done inside. Those ones there were falling apart they were of such high quality. They came from a farm in Tipp, and as we all know if there is one thing Tipp people know it is how to rear and deal with good pigs.


Late to the granola parade. I agree with @ironmoth that homemade just tastes nicer and is far healthier than the shop bought stuff. I wouldn’t let vanilla essence near mine but that’s personal taste. I also reckonn you’re wasting your money with the dried fruit. Just cut up a banana and throw it in whenever you’re eating it with a bit of yoghurt.

I love the the way the barley crispens. I always bring back 4 lumps of it to home in England to Do me for a few weeks

Fuck sake lads, egg and pudding.

Nice fish pie prepped here ready to go in the oven later, haddock, salmon and prawns, mustard, strong cheddar, homemade bechamel with lemon, leeks, hard boiled eggs and creamy mash with egg yolk.



whats with the cheap sideboard?


What’s with the shaming? I thought you were a Socialist mate? Not everyone can, or wants to be, an upwardly mobile type with a tricked out house and kitchen.
Maybe @backinatracksuit is on the dole, or maybe he only takes home the average industrial wage and gives the rest to charity.

I expected better from you mate. Ever since you lost your fixie you’ve been in a downward spiral.


What sideboard???
Fucking expensive Quartz worktop is all that’s in that picture.

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Just had a very late breakfast after watching the election coverage in my underpants for most of the day. Sourdough bread on @Tassotti 's recommendation:


That’s a clamping for my socialist comrade.

Neither would I pal. Organic vanilla extract. Big difference.

No - Rustic in Leixlip.

that’s a pretty shit looking breakfast


Pale sausages, cherry tomatoes and the black pudding looks like cheap stuff.

I had an unreal breakfast this morning on a organic restaurant. Full English on a rectangular plate.

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I was going to comment on the rasher that i thought it looked a) cheap b) undercooked and c) dry, but i didn’t want to embarrass Bandage.