
You haven’t tasted a good Shizaz, puts Malbec (an imitation Cahors) in the shade. CDP I agree with but you have to be prepared to pay the $. A $30 Australian Shiraz is as good as most $50 CDP.

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And that’s where their good wines start

Mate, that’s a shiraz / cab sav blend? What year was it, it’s a very decent drop indeed.

Recommend a decent wine then for us without googling one.

You’re talking to a lad that downed 25 pints of beer in 2 days.

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Really? I thought he was a new man having changed his life in ways you could never have imagined. So he’s still allegedly drinking like a gin soaked hobo, snorting lines and banging BBW’s he sees in stickers on public phones? Disappointing.

Ecstasy can really fuck up what’s left of your mind.

I reckon it was about 13 or 14 years ago mate, so you’d have to gauge it from that. I’ve had a bottle of it in the meantime and it was every bit as good.

You simply can’t go wrong with south Australian wines at the 30 to 40 Aussie price point (cheap these days). Some of the best values out there. Treat yourself to a St Henri 2012 if you can find it. About the same as a bottle of Green Spot, although wouldn’t last as long.

The bottle of McGuigans was pretty impressive. It was a perfect accompaniment to the beef, and it was exceptional value. I’ve been collecting coupons at my local Esso, and yesterday it finally paid off.


Will do. Just like @Fitzy, I have yet to have a bad bottle of Penfolds.

McGuigans would be on the low end of the scale in Aussie which is why fitzy dissed it. They are spoiled for choice there, not many of the best wines make it off the continent. I have no doubt the glass you had was good but the sky is the limit when it comes to Shiraz.

Unreal bit grub here. About to wash it down with a pint of milk


Lamb Tagine last night


That portion of curry sauce looks good enough to drink straight from the cup


I only used half it. Bringing the rest home for the dinner


Fucking hell. I’ve had to open the top of my trousers here


Looks unreal. They really are the best in the world for fish n chip shops, the English. I’d have moved home earlier from there were it not for a world class chipper i had 5min walk from my door.

Very hard get proper chips in Ireland. That cod fishcake was organic too


All it’s missing is a load of celery chunks.

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