
I find you could ate fish and chips everyday and not get fat it’s the mugs having cans of coke with theirs that are huge. Full of sugar sure

Your man used to say to me “Would you like the fish in batter or bread crumbs, now the bread crumbs will take longer though mate”. It was better in the bread crumbs but i’d often be too eager to get my hands on it and i’d go with the batter. They’d have the fish there then and they’d either dip it in batter or bread crumbs, whichever you requested, right in front of your eyes. It was unreal.



I’m just picturing that now in my mind. Unbelievable.


:rollseyes: reverting to name calling again, stop being sore because I’ve shown you up so many times.

Of course every wine producing country produces good wines, idiot. Australia however produces an awful lot of moderately priced shite wines and the Shiraz tends to be either too sweet or too peppery. You’ve mentioned price a few times because, of course, you are a big shot. Of course if you pay decent coin you’ll get a decent wine from anywhere.

To be fair, I don’t think he was name-calling.

You said Australian wines are by and large shite which demonstrates you have very limited experience with them. It’s like saying hurling is a shite sport if you’ve only watched junior B matches. In my experience most Irish retail outlets have mainly shite wine around the 10 euro price point, and it’s nearly impossible to find anything decent from new world countries. As for price, I’m into value not price, you should be able to buy a very decent bottle of wine around the 15 - 20 price point, in Ireland that choice is almost exclusively French wines (due to wine snobs like @Tassotti who think only the French make good wine) .

Ye all talking shite about wine when its been proven in blind taste testing that the best wine tasters in the world can’t tell the difference between so called good wine and cheap wine when it comes down to it


Maybe it’s the range of wines stocked in Ireland. But at the price range you are talking about you will generally get a far better South American or Spanish wine than Australian. I would generally steer away from French wines, they have a veneer of reputation attached which leads to bumping up the price by another degree due to their being from France (particularly Bordeaux) rather than due to their quality. Again, all things being equal you will usually get a better Spanish or South American wine than a French for the same price. All in my humble opinion of course.

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Exactly. Cheap wine can be good. Expensive wine can be rotten. Generally it’s going to be the other way around though.

Not true. What’s been proven though is that good wines from the new world are as good or better than the old world, for example Californian Cabs and Chardonnay consistently beat the best French wines from Bordeaux and Burgundy. It is true that the average Irish person couldn’t tell a bottle of Margaux from a bottle of 2 buck Chuck, which is why the supermarket shelves are full of 10 euro piss.

Agree on Bordeaux, overpriced and vintages are very spotty so you have to know what you are buying. A nice northern Rhone (Hermitage) or a named village from Cotes du Rhone (Rasteau, Cairanne) are hard to beat for value and most years are decent.

Walls could do with a wiping down there @Fran :smile:

I learned this very point yesterday. If the bottle names the village, rather than just a region, you’re more likely to be onto a winner.

@Tassotti - the name must be on the label, as opposed to, for example, €6.99 price sticker with “Sheils Topaz, Gort Road, Ennis” on the bottle.

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in the name of jaysus, what would Australians know about wine, a bastard nation, founded by the dregs of society, jailers and convicts, no culture or history, we have been making wine for 1000’s of years in Europe, as I said, its the same sort of ape you’d have banging on about craft beer that you would have pntificating about new world wines, i.e spoofers


:joy: :joy:

They’d make you laugh these fellas. Talking away for what used to be pages and pages of a thread about wine like they knew what they were on about and not once did one of them mention Italian wine.


you couldn’t make it up

Unreal stuff. Thinking they are sophisticated and then quoting wine prices in Australian dollars in the next breath. Strewth mate that’s some fair dinkum Shiraz you’ve there.