
@carryharry, I’m here in the Clonmel park hotel ateing a steak if you want to pop in.

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There’s a young wan here waiting on tables, about 20, and she’s about 20 stone God love her. The country is bolloxed. It’s just wrong to see weight like that on a young woman and it’s every second girl at that age these days… Hands like two shovels and about 9 chins.

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it means its full of natural goodness and is super good for you, like sourdough bread

Clonmel Park?

Fuck right off with that offer.


Are they discovered on a yearly basis or what? Do you get an award for discovering one?

i got that Jamaican hotsauce in Brixton off some lad with dreadlocks, it unreal on the melted cheese, it would blow the mouth off you, this stuff is the real deal, not that crap you’d get in tesco

a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.

people like me would whip the country into shape if we were allowed, I’d have everyone looking like Carl Froch

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What will be the big super food of 2 16? Could we start a campaign to get something elected?

You had a right good look you sick fucking deviant cunt.


You couldn’t miss it.

Look the other way in future.

Ah feck it. I was at a meeting there last night. Pity we only missed each other.

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Ah bollox… I could have given you the low down on you know who. No doubt our paths will cross over the summer, pal…I’ll fill you in on HBV then.

I’m not really that interested in him. I just dislike him intensely, since I’ve done the growing up thing I tend to ignore silly cunts like him, maybe after I wind them up a little and then feck off while having a laugh.
Btw. I wouldn’t be too keen on the park hotel. It reminds me of a hospital or something, I’ve never stayed there, just attend a few meetings there throughout the year.
The minella hotel seems way nicer and yer man that owns it is big into his horses.

A complete pig ignorant cunt.


Yeah he comes across that way alright but when you actually have a chat with him he’s ok. He’s going out training NH on his own, apparently he’s spent €1m odd on a new training set up.
I’ve booked conferences and meetings etc in his place before and he was the grandest, I could see where he gives the impression of being ignorant alright though.

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I strongly believe you are overpaying you mug.


For the conferences and stuff ?
It’s not my money… anyway he’s as competitive as the park hotel.
It’s just some of the attendees moan about having to go too far off of the ring road to get to the minella hotel.
Also, I got a nice box of wine delived to me last Dec from the girl that organises the events in the park, as a gesture of their appreciation for our custom during the year, I’ll be honest that kind of swung the venue for last nights meeting.

how very twee[quote=“Brimmer_Bradley, post:13591, topic:7643, full:true”]
For the conferences and stuff ?
It’s not my money
its my money you cunt, my hard earned tax

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