
you’ll come out and the car will be gone or clamped, you’ll be mugged off

What’s the long term plan pal? Will you stay over or buy a bit of land back in kilfinora?

Fuckin leave it there get another one


Don’t be so fuckin nosey

Don’t presume to speak for Tassotti. He’s his own man.

Nice one massy. I hope you get hape of likes for that.

Fair play tassotti I went over with a couple a hundred punts meself,I had 80 lads under me a couple of years later came back here in 10 to buy up everything around me when it was at its lowest,it’s all gravy from here on in

the English are mugs, they are there for the taking, I’m cleaning up here, I could go home this summer if I wanted, but I am going to take over

Easy enough to take advantage of alright,I mugged off more yanks though,mugged them off good and proper,I remember when I used to get $80 an hour cash sitting in a bar chugging Amstel,those were the days

That’s a great attitude bud just stop ateing curry chips in your car

Had scallops with black pudding for a main earlier. I was tempted to order another serving, unreal.


there’s not many like me, Irish patriots, paying tax both sides of the Irish sea, not many like me that love my country

Black Pudding is a super food

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I fucking adore scallops. Good call, pal.

You fuckin slut

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He was a fucking gravedigger the cunt.


Christ you are a mighty man. You are paying tax over here aswell and its going straight into the pocket no doubt of some useless irish bastard who wouldn’t work to warm himself. You know the type there are a few of them posting here.


I’ll pay my property tax and my water tax, I am a patriot, even though I don’t even live at home. but by god I won’t see my money going to fund ladson the dole and getting free houses

Oh yes

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