
Who is Sefik? That the Turkish lad that’s in there? I never got anything off him.

And who are the Friday sandwich sisters you mention? I’d be in there most Saturday’s and can’t place them off the top of my head. Your man that sells eggs (heavy fella sometimes wears a Munster wooly hat) has a lovely sour dough bread that he sells.

Sefik is indeed Turkish, try it out, you won’t regret it.
The Sandwich stall is only there on Friday. I picked up a lovely sourdough loaf today from the old dear who sells all the flavoured baguettes by the coffee house

The girls work for the real olive company on Saturday.

They mentioned that all right and I’d seen them there. very friendly they were as well, never seemed to be so chatty when they were on the olive stall, either too busy or couldn’t give a fuck about promoting someone else’s business.

This is the indoor place on the corner? They’d have tubs of olives and hummus that kind of thing? They look alike two or three of them.

Yeah… Lapsed poster @ChocolateMice used to work there with them.

A lovely healthy carbonara this evening.

Wholewheat spaghetti tossed in a yoghurt, lemon, pea, garlic and egg sauce, topped with a pea and almond puree and a handful of finely chopped rasher.


@chocolatemice’s bird and her sister

About to tuck into some homemade Nasi Lemak and satay.


I’d a bowl of corn flakes just there now as I was ravenous after juvenile training. It’ll keep me going until circa 2:00 PM when I’ll have spuds and roast pork.
I forgot to take a picture of the corn flakes but they were smashing.

You must be big as a house?


There are some here who will pillory you for using nuts to cook with but that looks decent, I thought you were based in Cork but the time would imply otherwise??
What’s the thing that looks like hot cross buns without the cross?
Just making a large omelette/frittata for the lunch, kids love eggs, this is simple ham,tomato,onion and cheese

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jesus christ you must be 20 stone, good ating though

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Living in Singapore for three years. Nasi Lemak is Singapore, although it originates from Malaysia. No nuts involved, shit tons of coconut milk though so it’s very heavy, but very nice.

No peanuts in the satay??

Ah yeah but why would anyone complain about peanut sauce with satay?

I thought the same would apply to a massaman but it wasn’t to be.
Singapore is a great spot for street food if I recall correctly, it’s been ten years since I was there but I remember eating very well quite cheaply, good variety of grub as well.

Some feed

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What is it pal, the red onion sticks out a mile but it’s hard to make it out beyond that and the potato.

What is it kid?
Looks very tasty. Any man who can make small spuds look like that knows his stuff in the kitchen.