
Cork city boy living in Limerick for about 15 years. Haven’t heard that phrase used before.

Hope the place treats you well its a great place and I miss it

I use a light refined olive oil for everything now except salads. It has little flavor and a high smoke point and is dirt cheap. I agree though there are better tasting oils.

I’m out buying a bottle of whisky that will hopefully last the weekend, will fire something up later.

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Good for you pal. Let me know the choice and how it goes down tomorrow

Minutes to prepare. Looks mad. Tastes divine!

Washed down with a nice aussie cab sauv.


So good it needs two forks to shovel it in.

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That’s why holy god gave roasters two hands.
:hand_splayed: :eek: :hand_splayed:


Fat chance, heathen!

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Fish Pie for @feck_it

This is simple enough, from Jamie Oliver

Make a batch of mashed potatoes, about 2lb, use olive oil to mash them.
Grate or finely chop a few carrots, few stick celery, 1/4 lb cheddar and half a small hot red chilli into a buttered pyrex dish. Chop up a small bunch of parsley and add with the grated zest of a lemon. Cut up 3/4 lb salmon and 3/4 lb smoked haddock into bite sized pieces and add along with 1/4 lb prawns. Squeeze over the lemon juice and a bit of olive oil, and add salt and pepper. Mix well and spread the mashed potato on top. Bake at 200C for 40 minutes.


Sound bud ill do it tomorrow. Hope all is ok with you man I’m sure it is

Salmon is rotten in fish pie. I’d always use smoked haddock


A handy cheat for fish pie if you don’t have much time is to use a shop bought chowder (best quality possible, Blue Haven is very good) as a sauce, add your fish to that and bake it under the potato, mix a few egg yolks in with the mash to give it a lovely texture when baked, finally I would make some hard boiled eggs and slice them and place them on top of the fish and under the potato.
I’m off to my mothers in Cork today so I’ll get a chance to pick up a bit of fish off the Queen’s buddy below in the market, nothing too fancy for my mother but hopefully I’ll be able to pick up some smoked fish from Frank Hederman, best smokehouse in the country by a mile.


What the fuck are you on about?

Here’s a piss easy delicious fish pie from Clodagh McKenna,
The thyme is optional :confused:


If you’ve got the money, I’ve got the thyme.

About to pop this into the oven.
Tricolour Fishpie. A variation of the one I posted last night. Added tomatoes, spinach and basil to the vegetables and made the traditional white sauce. Half and half mashed potatoes and mashed sweet potatoes with peas. A shout out to all the Republicans on the site.


Left a bowl of oats, pitted dates, hazelnuts and cinnamon soaking in almond milk before bed last night. Just after devouring it now with a little of this stuff drizzled over it.


Have you found it helpful with allergies or do you just like the taste of it?

Fuck me! Buying Limerick honey? That’ll probably sicken you, and you’ll only have yourself to blame.

Having said that, I’d be interested in sourcing some of this tack. Young lad has a bit of a chest this past week, and anything that helps clear it is worth a look.

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