
I had a local supplier but his hive went AWOL recently. I used always get a few jars off him.

Anyway, I was in a health food shop buying a bag of cacao during the week and this fella had a stand set up selling his wares. A took the free sample and it tasted the exact same as the stuff I’d have gotten off my local fella. Might not be everyone’s taste but I love the stuff.

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Picked up a lovely piece of spiced beef off the Queen’s supplier in the English market yesterday once I was finished with her fish man.
Wondering now what to serve it with, usually only have it as part of Christmas dinner.

Likebait. But i fell for it.


I don’t think it works as part of a dinner. Cold with brown bread or as part of a salad maybe. I love the stuff. Love it


I was thinking the same myself, the only thing is that it’s quite a big piece, it’ll fill a lot of sandwiches, I might wait until Monday.
I’m thinking of making a chowder today, I’ve been eating a lot of fish lately but haven’t made a chowder in years, I had an outstanding one in the Twelve hotel in Galway last week and it’s given me inspiration.
I have a recipe I’ve used a few times but if anyone has a stand out One I’d appreciate a link.

The spiced beef has a v long. Lasting time on the fridge IMO. Will your kids eat it? Mine won’t. Nose well turned up at it

Not quite sure to be honest, my oldest girl loves pastrami so I’d say she’ll go for it, they all like lean roast beef but this is quite different, any idea how many days it will do for sandwiches once it’s cooked?

I ate a half forgotten piece of xmas spiced beef about three weeks after bit had been cooked anyways with no ill effects!! In fridge wrapped up obviously

Do you mind me asking do you do all the cooking at home and does your wife do anything?

3 week old beef? Do you want some money, pal?

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My wife is a very good cook but has no love for it, I enjoy cooking and always do when I’m off work.
I couldn’t resist cooking the beef so I’ve just put it in now, still unsure what to have with it but we’ve a full pantry and fridge so it’ll be fine

Fair play. Were you in the market this morning? I was in there circa 11-11.30am, a bit late but surprisingly i didn’t miss out on anything i wanted. Forgot to get the sushi off the Dingle fella.

I couldn’t trust myself to go in today, I spent a fortune in the English market yesterday and the wife would have lost the head if I arrived home laden down with more overpriced confectionary, bread and sushi.

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How would you compare the markets being a regular of both you should be well positioned? The Cork one gets rave reviews. Is it better than Limerick? Is it a lot better? Never been down there to it but the Limerick one is good i think.

The English market is a permanent thing as I’m sure you know, brilliant for fish, meat, veg etc, some nice bakers, chocolate places, great sandwich place.
Limericks on Saturday is way better though for picking up things you wouldn’t otherwise and precooked things.
You should definitely visit the English market though when you get a chance.

Jesus that hurt, The pie went down a treat @anon7035031, sound kid

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Not sure what i was on about fran, can you remind me and ill give it a go pal?

I’m going to try this tomorrow. I have every ingredient except the fish stock. Don’t know what it is, where to get it or how to make it. Does it matter if I leave it out?

Ah leave it out, you can use these knor stockpot things if you want, good luck

Did a Spanish omelette with lots of cheese for supper, ate out earlier so nothing major required

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