
Looks like vomit


I’ll grant you that, tasted fuckin great though.

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Go shove your head in a fish pie you boring bastard.


Not to worry mate

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Shove your fist up youre ass geezer

The early signs are good. My guess is @Ebeneezer_Goode has had a great weekend so far. Ra party Friday, some family action for the last couple of days. But it’s a long weekend and… he’s had a couple of beers today and the personal that’s been burning a hole in his pocket has just been opened. He’s started with a bit of abuse in this thread and it’ll spread to about 5 or 6 other threads by about 10 pm. By midnight hell be in meltdown about rory mcilroy or mo mowlam or some such character. Stay tuned.

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If I do go mad I’ll stick around, unlike yourself who takes a puff and goes home green and posts about those couple of pints too many…

No hassle, Workers party and Labour could never stick around for the real fight!


Or an ISIS cunt.[quote=“The_Selfish_Giant, post:13875, topic:7643, full:true”]
Looks like vomit

Well played.[quote=“Ebeneezer_Goode, post:13881, topic:7643, full:true”]

If I do go mad I’ll stick around, unlike yourself who takes a puff and goes home green and posts about those couple of pints too many…

No hassle, Workers party and Labour could never stick around for the real fight!


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Needed to be said well done.

Terry loves his cacao nibs



Just had a cadburys easter egg and two cadburys cream eggs and i’ve only been up an hour


That’s good ateing

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I don’t know what came over me. I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself i suppose as i’d a blazing hangover yesterday which forced me into bed at 9pm upon which i fell asleep quickly and got at least 12hrs of solid, uninterrupted sleep. Sorry, that’s not true. I woke once in the middle of the night as was having a bad dream where i was on top of this really tall, narrow, circular, viewing platform. It was metal and there was a low railing, there was one very long ladder to climb to get up to it. It was swaying in the wind and there was about four other “tourists” i suppose you could call us on top of this thing looking out in all directions from it. It was like we were in Africa or somewhere, it was that kind of setting with no buildings to be seen. Anyway one fella kept backing into me fairly violently and when i’d turn around he’d let on he hadn’t done anything. But he kept rushing back into me to tip me over the edge. I was grasping onto the railing. For a finish he was about to tip me over and i was hanging on for my life. That’s when i woke up in a sweat. So bar that incident i got 12hrs of excellent sleep. I’ve also got a head cold so yes i was feeling sorry for myself and just glad to be alive when i had that easter egg and two cream eggs soon after getting up.


In town celebrating 1916 by queuing for a thai takeaway at Merrion Sq. Fair play Clarke and McDonagh and the boys. It was well worth it for this.

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Post withdrawn

Say what?

I withdrew it fagan. It was crass and disgusting.