
Good man.

What’s that, pal? Looks lovely.

Oriental pork with garlic and mushrooms.

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Just about safe to eat since the fuckers stopped adding MSG. Still, I’d be wary of giving that stuff to my kids.

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I made a batch of @ironmoth’s delicious granola recipe earlier, probably went two weeks without tasting it since my last batch went out. Don’t normally eat at 11.30pm at night but simply could not resist having a bowl of it there now. It is unbelievable. Can’t wait for the morning now when i’ll have an even bigger bowl of it.

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That’s great work mate. Have you started trying different ingredients yet? Maple syrup for honey, adding in spices, different nuts, etc.

I was in the local supermarket on Saturday and saw a locally produced granola at €7.99 for 500g. Immediately thought of your good self and had a chuckle at the people mugging themselves off spending way over the odds when they could knock a batch together at home.

As for eating late, you’d only be denying yourself if you went to bed without sampling it.

Well twice i had to make it with hazelnuts but without pecan nuts as i couldn’t find any (once with Brazil nuts and once with cashew nuts). It is far better with pecan nuts i find, and i use hazlenuts too. Other than that i’m using the recipe you posted and happy enough with it. I put a fair about of raisins and cranberries in it and i find it better with the dried fruit than without as it’s just adding some more taste. I like the dried bananas. I also chop a bit of fresh fruit and put in with it each time, usually apple. It’s no exaggeration to say it has changed my life in ways i never thought possible.

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Great to see a fella with the confidence to branch out and take a simple recipe in different directions. If I’m tight for time in the morning, I often grate an apple (skin and all) into a bowl of porridge oats and add a dollop of natural yoghurt. It’s unreal.

At the minute I’m making a wet muesli every night before bed (takes 60 seconds), and it soaks in the fridge overnight. Perfect breakfast when you don’t have time to cook in the morning. It’s still the main meal of the day, and whether or not you’ve got a lot of time, if you skimp on breakfast you’ll suffer.

Yeah, breakfast is my number one of the day too. I simply cannot function without a good, satisfying breakfast inside me. I’d be cranky enough in the mornings if i’m honest with you until i get my breakfast. People will be surprised that i could be cranky given i’m mild mannered here during the day, but catch me before my breakfast and i’m a different kettle of fish. What is this wet museli? Soaked in apple juice or something?

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No, the apple juice would make it overly sweet. It’s a handful of jumbo oats (organic), a sprinkling of seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, linseed), juice of 1/2 lemon, all in a bowl and topped up with water. Leave it soaking overnight then throw a bit of cinnamon on it and stir in before eating.

There are some quite complicated mueslis out there, but simplest is bestest IMO.

Aren’t wraps worse than bread?


How long can a wrap sit on a shelf vs bread? QED.

This changes everything…

You also fit way more ingredients into a wrap and consume more calories as a result.

A brown whole-wheat sandwich is the best man for the job.

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Well I knew about the filling element, but had overlooked the other aspect.

Can’t bate the brown bread alright :ronnyroar:

I have no idea Julio certainly when you are having a toasted wrap the ingredients to bread ratio is much improved regardless of calorific content

Had a lovely dinner tonight. Waffles and beans. (2 waffles + half a tin of beans) x2. This was my first sitting:


Is that a diet water? I should hope so…