
big macs are unreal, I got an awful tatse for them lately, sure you can ate as many ass you want as long as you leave the soft drinks

thos waffles look unreal

Those beans look cold. The waffles look done to perfection though.

Unreal breakfast here. Simply unreal


Got a sourdough loaf there in Aldi. It was lovely.

Done in the toaster. 3 goes on the maximum setting (7). 1 go at 4 and a final go at setting 2. I’ve got it down to a fine art, mate.


Is that the dagger that you killed the Nazis with?

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I wouldn’t say that is proper sourdough

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Yep i thought as much, mate. I’ve seen a few lads post up pics of real pale looking waffles, barely defrosted I’d say but yours looked smashing.

Cooking a good waffle is an artform, and @Bandage has it nailed


Sure what do I care. It was called sourdough and it tasted lovely.

did you ever have a nice bit of crumpet? I’m gone mad on them latley

They used to do lovely ones in Marks and Spencer’s.

with the butter melted into them



why didn’t you like that comment?

Which one?

Got a lovely sourdough loaf as per usual in the market this morning. It’s unreal so it is. I picked up a few other bits and bobs but the sourdough is really the highlight and what draws me in.


its part of my Saturday morning ritual at this stage

the ones about the crumpets