
Did a lovely bit of roast loin of pork there. It’s a mear that can be a bit tough, so I changed tack and cooked it slow. Gave it a blast at 230 for 15 minutes. Then turned the heat down to 140 for 90 minutes. Took it out and wrapped it in tinfoil for 15 minutes. It was lovely. Served it with roast potatoes, Savoy cabbage and broccoli.


You can’t beat it. Getting the butcher to freshly mince up some shin or flank, and cooking the burgers on that same day. Nice and seared on the outside, and juicy on the inside. I’m getting ravenous now myself.

Did you stuff the loin Fagan?


That looks taller than you.

I’d give that 2 likes if I could.

Almost perfect. Ruined by the cheap washing liquid / powder in the background.


Unfortunately has to be kept up there for the moment to stop the little one eating it.


fuck off you boring cunt, that’s a sensational bit of grub, why are you so negative? are you constipated?


Did you ever notice how @Mac just wants to drain the life out of good conversation. He is a very negative man.

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That looks savage mate. Great ateing…you can tell it’s homemade.


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he’s been going on like that for years, I don’t know how anyone could put up with it in real life

No I didn’t @ironmoth

Fuck sake Mac.

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You can’t have a simple bit of grub now without @Mac trying to burst your bubble for you. Forfucksake. He is very pass remarkable, it’s a terrible trait, and the purest sign someone is deeply unhappy in themselves.

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Leave it mate, the points been made.


Coming from the lad who spends his life posting about how bad and unhappy everyone else’s life must be. You couldn’t make it up.

I’m leaving it now kid, as I said I get a touch of the black dog every time he sucks me in and unleashes of his ‘you use cheap scrubbing pads’ posts. I can’t deal with that type of underhand posting style so I’m cutting the horrid little bastard out of my e life.

You’d have a lovely bit of grub up there,a he’d say something retarded about a fork being dirty or something, or a cheap cup in the backround, that drives me ape

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I make no apologies for having high expectations of others.

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