
Would you be an aul savage for the bacon and cabbage?

Had a noble feed of it myself yesterday evening after a long days toil, there’s nothing better.

Have you anything planted this year Dunph or is it only livestock you deal in?

There are a few potatoe patches and lines of cabbages out there alright…

What did you plant for the 2nd earlies?

I didn’t plant them myself so i couldn’t answer that question, one of the farmhands did that…

Dinger of a question. :clap:

Went through the old stock there the other day with the auld fella picking out a few that would be good for seed. The frost got in at the spuds over the winter, nothing worse than rooting through a few rotten spuds. But got a decent few sacks out of. Nothing like sitting on a a full bag of spuds, on the back of a sower popping a few spuds down a chute, chewing the fat with the auld fella on a fine April day. A noble way to spend some time.


I have an almost full portion of curry chips from Burger Max in the fridge.

Should I or should I not?

You’ll regret it

I am recommending a new ice pop to the forum – the ‘that a-away’. A splendid addition ahead of the summer ice pop season.


The advert on the radio for them is extremely irritating.

Never heard of it. Describe it in less than 10 words

I’ve yet to hear the radio advert but the ice pop is a dinger. I must credit Jugs with the initial purchase of 3 (one each for him, me and Clarkey) but I’ve been stocking up on them since. They’re deadly and the name also reminds me of a Backstreet Boys song that I’m very fond of.

Tell me why.
I really like that song too for some reason.

I feel fucking dreadful now, I really do. They’re one Irish delicacy best served fresh, that’s for sure.

Spoken like a solider who’s seen the front.

Funnily enough I had a curry chip from Burger Max myself last. Not a hope I eat them on the following day though.

I noticed yet another misspelling in one of my posts. This new ice pop is the ‘that a-way’. I mistakenly referred to it as the ‘that a-away’. There’s probably some Home and Away undercurrent in my mind.

I did the same yesterday evening with left over thai from tuesday night. I wouldn’t mind but I didn’t feel great after it the first time.

Hunger is the best sauce though