

I wear contacts as well tinnion. Don’t find them the slightest bit inconvenient but I’ve still been thinking about that laser eye surgery thing. Supposed to be the business but I’m probably a bit young for it.

Getting back on topic, I had a steak in the sherwood in ennis yesterday that is right up there as one of the best steaks I have ever eaten. It was fantastic. I was still thinking about it when I went to sleep last night. Fuck all food in the house today so I’m going to have to persuade one of my housemates to go to the shop. Either that or it’s cod fillets and toast for breakfast.

Had roast stuffed pork steak with roast potaotes and shallots this evening. I’m stuffed to the gills at the moment.

Made chicken tagine with cous cous and Naan bread last night. Superb stuff

What did you go for in the end, Rintintin?

Fucking starving.

Had a bowl of Weetabix this morning - bread was gone off so didn’t have my usual slice of toast and as a result I am ravenous at the moment.

An apple and banana at 10.30 didn’t do much for me.

I find Wheetabix doesn’t sustain you for long at all. Had a bowl of the stuff this morning and i’m fairly hungry again now…

I eat it for other reasons - see things that are right thread.

Weetabix is a great bit of stuff for keeping you regular. I’d swear by it. I’d have 2 or 3 of them in the morning and wouldn’t eat again then til lunch. You’d be feeling a bit hungry roundabout now, but tis no harm on the whole I find. Clears out the system.

Don’t know about that but I suppose if it has to go out, then it is better going out clain.

:smiley: Left out a w there, but it still worked I guess.

Might grab an aul wrap for the lunch. Have gotten into the ol wraps in a big way of late, tremendously tasty, small slathering of mayo, bit of chicken, few other bits toasted or cold, couldnt go wrong. Just the job.

A carvery for Farmer.

True to type.

Every time Weetabix is mentioned on this forum people end up talking about taking a shit

Porridge is far superior to wetabix in so many ways. In my opinion
Wetabix is chocka block with sugar. Fact

Was never one for porridge, tried it, on many recommendations of coaches, but just couldnt get the stomach for it. Weetabix is in lieu of it. Shown to have some sugar in it, but grand once you dont add more to it.

Jaysus how anyone could eat those dry block called wheatbix is beyond me, porridge with a bit of honey is lovely, I had a proper black pudding this morning, old country woman and all but illegal proper

Honey and large oats are the key to porridge. These instant porridge/ready brek type things are a joke.

Great carvery there in the Long Stone.

It now tops my list of favourite carveries in Dublin.

Think you far over rate the place Farmer and I think if it was any good it’d be busier. McTurcaills does a better carvery beside it. Sinnotts would also be up there for quality and quantity and garlic spuds. I’m hoping the new management of the Harnourmaster will see fit to offer a carvery option.

Porridge is nice but takes too long to make and eat, not to mention having to wash up afterwards. Wheetabix is superior for the man on the go…

you eat like a peasant in a gulag

Debating the merits of weetabix is an insult to this thread

Runt/fran sort it out