Reckless Tackles/Challenges We All Love To See


Wait til Jennifer O’Connell sees these.

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Sincere apologies to @thedancingbaby. Having watched the tackle again on numerous occasions, and from the angle posted above in particular, I agree that Stewart displayed excessive force and Nick Walsh was correct to brandish the red card.

Reminiscent of Neil Simpson on Ian Durrant.

Men at it.

We’ve got our game back.

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Apology accepted. I’d like to think we can put this behind us and move on.

I love this thread

Cantona remembered more for cowardly tackles and how he wore his collar than anything football related. His ‘best’ goal involved lobbing a midget goalie donning a horrendous mullet.

Long live the King

I remember him mainly for his work on the footballer slave ship, where players were made to fight to the death in cages for our entertainment

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It’s better than being traumatized from watching the telly 30 years ago like poor @mikehunt

Couldnt do it in the European Cup is how I remember him.

His magic while with Leeds is what I most fondly remember.

Costing France world cup qualification is my abiding memory.

That was ginola

I don’t remember anything about him so.