Referendum 2024

The gardai have nothing good to say about him. He demanded they expand by 1k members in the space of a year so he could have an election soundbite while he refused to invest in infrastructure. He had a long lasting and extremely negative impact on the organisation. Most expensive land ever bought for a prison never built. Eh, cafe bars. Led his party straight into the ground.

People dislike him because he was a right-wing blowhard who was shit at his jobs and grossly overestimates his own intelligence.

Seems fair enough to me.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1755947884808200518|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

will the electoral commission take catherine martin to task?


The Gardaí rarely have anything good to say.

Once again though, “complete failure” is hilarious.

He founded the party and directed policy. Other parties co opted many elements of it.

He actually governed, unlike the many “change” brigade who sit on the sidelines and do fuck all.

It doesn’t mean he’s right on everything. I completely disagree with him on Metro, for example.

But the hyperbole over his political career (let alone his legal one) is gas here from some of you.

Let’s change the constitution because of vibes without knowing the implications of the change.

The PDs were far more liberal on social issues than most in politics. And he directed policy.

But again, what does this have to do with his standing in legal circles?

Seems to me to be more lads desperate to turn everything into America.

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Some amount of projection there

they could easily have added a saver to allow for primary legislation to set it out nut they want to hand everything over to the unelected judges like seamus woulf.

the old saying rings true, there is a sleeping dog that FG couldnt walk past without kicking

I’m undecided on them still but the performance of the Yes side suggest that is very much the driving motivation. Even putting this on International Women’s Day makes me think this is more optics rather than substance.

How much time have the Civil Service wasted on this when the asylum system was collapsing?

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Yes seems odd.

You can have your opinion about repealing the Eight but at least it was clear.

He was a populist minister for justice who wanted directed policy based on soundbites for himself " a thousand new gardai" “build a big prison”.

In reality his big initiatives were failures and ultimately his and his party’s electoral results proved him a failure.

“He’s a neocon!”

Is this 2004?!

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Yet here we are all these decades later with lads like you claiming we live in a centre right orthodoxy because of their tax reforms.

The easy road for McDowell was always to stay with Fine Gael, he didn’t do that. The other easy road was to sit on the sidelines and pontificate. He never has done that.

He had his ups and downs but marking him down as a “failure” is a gross indulgence.

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A populist politician who led himself and his party to electoral failure.

you shouldnt pay too much heed to community notes mate

The Elon Musk fanbois love community notes.

But they hate community.

Per Denham CJ

“article 41.2 does not assign women to a domestic role. Article 41.2 recognises the significant role played by wives and mothers in the home. This recognition and acknowledgment does not exclude women and mothers from other roles and activities”

catherine martin lied



A female Chief Justice too.


Who has claimed it legally “assigned” women to a domestic role?

The article is sexist on two counts. Against women in its intention and practice and against men in practice.

It’s hilarious to see the self styled men’s rights mob wanting to cement sexism against men in the constitution.

It should go.

im sure there’s still myopic morons who cant see the wood for the trees. the wording could have easily be changed just to have parent/guardian inserted instead of woman and the 2nd amendment could have put that durable relationships will be set out in law.

they didnt do that, and even though the wordig is bad currently, its a known quantity as opposed to the word salad that theyre proposing. only a total idiot couldnt see that.