Referendum 2024

All the Okey dokey wokey blokies destroyed by a woman… Woooof

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@artfoley commenting on women’s rights? :rofl::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

  1. prove me wrong
  2. you dont even know what a woman is

See the Gender Recognition Act 2015 if you don’t know mate

A booklet came in the door today, so I had a Quick Look.
The first one which is the family clause looks very uncontroversial and I predict that it will pass in a landslide. It really couldn’t upset anyone

Does the constitution not already cover relationships other than marriage?

I dunno, the proposed change of wording is very sensible as it’s set out in the booklet.
What would be your reason for voting no out of interest?

My father is riding a wan behind my mothers back for years. I’m worried this could be deemed an enduring relationship and I’ll have to share my inheritance.


I’ll be voting No twice anyway as I havent seen a coherent argument in favour of the yes campaign to date.

Can anyone tell me what specifically is not already looked after in the constitution?

FFG also need a boot up the hole. No all the way.


I’m trying to have a serious conversation, I haven’t looked before now.
I’m struggling to make sense of the second one, the wording as it exists and the proposed new wording are both very clunky.
What does the state currently do to provide the support it claims in the constitution.
Pardon me if these are remedial questions

:sweat_smile::sweat_smile: ah lad

Not at all. I haven’t read it myself either but I will. I’d be wary of unintended consequences around these changes, but I think it was Glas said there will be legislation to go along with this as well in time.

Huh, are we not allowed to have a real conversation here? It’s a bit pointless if everybody is wumming :man_shrugging:

I haven’t received any literature yet myself so I’m not fully versed on it but @neilld isn’t wrong either. But letting the courts decide what a durable relationship is must be irish politicking 101 - plain stupid.


I’m just living for the weekend…and my inheritance. There could be a spate of murders if this goes through.

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My thinking on that ‘durable relationship’ wording is that it will need to be tested, otherwise we’re gonna set an arbitrary number or time limit or similar on relationships.
I suppose my think extra marital affairs will cut it myself.

But what would be your reasoning for the no vote?

Oh I totally agree with your sentiment. The reality though :thinking:

Would you and the father be having a pint and he’d be complaining about the two of them and you’d be just shaking your head, wimmin, haha or is it a touchy subject between you?

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Live and let live…7 or 8 pints…and a good row😀

Can we just delete the clauses?