Referendum 2024

Just pair off there and save maybe up to an hour between the two of ye.

There are a few 'what its about’s mentioned here. Sad state of affairs that the government and media don’t seem to have even managed to get across that there are two items to vote on, let alone the substance of the potential amendments.

Don’t shoot the messenger, I’m only passing on what I overheard on the radio.
I can’t debate as I literally have no idea of what’s being proposed, I’d say there’ll be plenty of info in the coming weeks, it really hasn’t started

But my mother said you never see a bookie on a bicycle

RTE are cheerleading a Yes vote, as the government tells them.


More lies from the Gemmaroids

Rich coming from a Tatchellite

You don’t think RTE saturate the mainstream coverage with what the Leinster house posse tell them?

I haven’t paid taxes or made any contribution to Ireland in the past few years so I won’t comment on this referendum. Haven’t earned the right. I presume @Cheasty will be honourable enough to do the same.


You’re talking conspiracist bollocks.

RTE are required to follow the BAI Code of Fairness, Objectivity & Impartiality in News and Current Affairs.


  1. Introduction
    Rule 27 of the Code of Fairness, Objectivity and Impartiality in News and Current Affairs
    requires broadcasters to comply with Guidelines in respect of coverage of referendums.1
    These Guidelines set out a number of additional requirements for broadcasters2
    in respect of
    their coverage of referendums. The Guidelines are intended to be read in conjunction with
    rules contained in the Code of Fairness, Objectivity and Impartiality in News and Current
    Affairs. The Guidelines also provide guidance to broadcasters on the manner in which
    fairness, objectivity and impartiality may be achieved in their coverage.

What’s the other referendum?

Rules :joy:

1 Like

They work yea

That’s the same BAI Code of Fairness, Objectivity & Impartiality in News and Current Affairs that Gript and every other media outlet have to abide by?

RTE are a disgrace.


I could stay in bed for the rest of my life and I would be far more valuable to society than you could ever be slaving away at your worthless job which you obviously hate, given that you appear to hate everything in this world apart from people equally as hateful as yourself.

Serious question: have you ever gotten a moment’s pleasure from anything in your life? Ever?

Because you give the impression of somebody who has chosen to be a miserable crank from cradle to grave.

Once a loser, always a loser, and you will always be a loser my friend, at least as long as you wallow in your bottomless pit of hatred.

Don’t go doxxing, now doxxer. You have form, remember? :wink:

The same cowboys who told little Paddy that he made the wrong choice in the Lisbon treaty so had to do it again and vote yes this time eh? There is democracy and Irish democracy.



Gript aren’t a broadcaster.


The Gemmaroids have been caught out telling lies again.

Will Johnny Arse be producing a fake nurse for this referendum like he did for the abortion one? :joy: :joy: :joy:

Seems like I was sadly mistaken. He’s mentioning imaginary doxxing too. (yes, him)

Looks like another pity party about to be thrown, and everyone’s invited.

Will RTE be saturating a lop sided agenda again?

Extending the definition of family beyond marriage.