Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Paddy dropped that PLF shite and vaccines stuff last week, its like the old days. It’s all about putting a Ukraine flag on your social media profile and pretending to be outraged about Russia. Covid is done


China are back locking down.

I’d say we’ll be locked down again in November as the winter surge arrives.

Enjoy the pints !

The lads who were criticising immigrants who were not vaccinated are now the lads who want to take them into their homes. Ferris Bueller was right about life moving pretty fast


Immigrants who look like us are a better class of immigrant.


There’s more important things than Covid, I don’t know what the point is, who exactly was criticising unvaccinated immigrants? And if they were then doesn’t this trump those concerns, basic humanity

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You were on the ball there. I remember such critical thinking being greeted with derision by the likes of @tallback and other harmless sorts.

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It’s done lads

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It may well be but the wounds will take years to heal.

What wounds?


Lads need to move on

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As predicted.

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We told them at the time. Some people were infected with the rte virus

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Enfer was one of the main providers of COVID-19 testing during the pandemic. In 2020, it received €122.4 million to provide testing.


By Conor Gallagher, crime correspondent for the Irish Times

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The antic of pharma and medical companies during the “pandemic” will make the planning tribunals look like tea party’s, its absolutely scandalous what was done in the name of that covid bullshit


I don’t think that’s entirely true for vaccine passports everywhere. Part of the logic was during the vaccinating phase to give people who were vaccinated “freedom” as hospitals were still under pressure. This would unlock business and encourage vaccination.

Sad that this can happen in democracies.