You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I never stopped living pal. I had to Urchinā€™s ballsack IPAs tonight. Played 90 minutes ball yesterday. Iā€™ll be watching NFL all weekend.


Due to personal circumstances I wonā€™t be leaving the country for 6 months. Iā€™d rather not cost the state 200ā‚¬ for something I donā€™t need.

Thereā€™s loads more who donā€™t need it still clogging up the system.

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Itā€™ll come in handy for me, all jokes aside.

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the fact that he wasnt out on the dates you mention, gives him a good chance of ducking omicorn for a bit more but I suspect it will get him in the not too distant future all the same unless he decides to live like a hermit all on his own

I agree with you on the PCR and the cert

The testers arenā€™t monks.

Do we know what cycle thresholds the HSE are using on these RT PCR tests lads?

Ya and thereā€™s a few more like him who have ducked it. Thereā€™s others who have been lucky, they could have got it before.

99% of people will isolate when they test positive so itā€™s time to move on.

What we know for a fact is they are using the positive antigen :heavy_check_mark: To stream positive cases into the system which is fucking ding bat crazy.
This shit is running wild fire.
See ye on the other side compadres.

Peace out.

Itā€™s a lot less than ā‚¬200 per PCR test mate. Private companies can make a profit doing PCR tests for ā‚¬60 a go

Iā€™m delighted to hear that lad.Godspeed.

Couldnā€™t get a PCR test. Almost got one for Kildare randomly enough but it was gone then when I went to confirm a time.

With the vast increases in positive PCR tests, its an interesting question. One I believe has never been asked of Nphet and co though.

I could be going down a dead end, but the cycle threshold piece is interesting.

What number are we using 30, 35 or 40?

Have Gavan Reilly or Fergal Bowers asked that question?

Got a PCR test!!!

They did in their bollix, ā‚¬5.95 a pop at the pharmacies this evening!

Happy new year

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Itā€™s very, very simple.

Stop testing and covid doesnā€™t exist.


The virus didnā€™t take Christmas off - Ciaire and co did

Lads & lassie complaining about antigen test costs that are taken to allow them go out quafffing jƤger bombs & ccktails rtc at a tenner a pop


Still have my runny nose guys. Going for a test in a few hours to determine if itā€™s just a runny nose or if I have a runny nose but with a fancy name

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