Republic of Ireland WNT - We're all part of Vera and Tony O'Donoghues Army

They may as well have been

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Anyway it sends out a clear message. Let the players decide who they want as manager but anything short of European Finals qualification will be on their heads


Spanish manager be available soon. Be a great get


Joke of a decision, they were rubbish in the World Cup. A single goal and it was a fluke.

You think the manager isnt accountable for that ?

Are we going to see them scoring for fun under whoever comes in now?

Here’s how it’s going to go.

They’ll get hockeyed in their next few games

There’ll be a civil war between the players

A few retirements and everyone but the players getting the blame

A few players dropping hints on Instagram they were bullied by pauw and a few more suggesting they were bullied into sacking pauw


What’s the difference in losing 2-0 and never trying to score and losing 4-2 and letting your players express themselves ?

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A split in a dressing room is the managers fault. You control that. It’s literally one of the only responsibilities is to keep a healthy environment

They didn’t get beat by more than 1 goal in any of their games. They were in every game until the final whistle, not like they were just trying to keep the score down

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The misogynists have taken aim at the women’s soccer team now.

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Ye can debate the results at the tournament all ye want, it’s irrelevant.

She walked the team off the pitch against Colombia and for that action she didn’t deserve to get a new contract.

It was highly unprofessional behaviour & disrespectful to the opposition who went on to have a better tournament.

They will get hoisted on their own Pauwtard.


I feel a certain degree of sympathy for Vera. She has gone through a dreadful 12-18 months, good and bad, which included her own brave revelations about abuse she suffered herself. She had to deal with the Up the Ra bolloxology and then the overblown expectations of a country born to ride a bandwagon like no one else. There was internal strife within the squad relationships, then the whole US blow up, which on my non in depth reading seemed a wee bit harsh on her.

And then there’s the fact that she works for the fucking FAI.

She made mistakes, no doubt, and played a very conservative gameplan, which while giving them a chance of staying in games, wasnt very appealing on the eye either. But thats an issue not solely reserved for the Irish WNT as we all know. The Colombia thing was a very unfortunate affair and an even stranger decision to take a game like that at that time.

All in all though, I reckon she’s as well off out of that shitshow.


Perhaps but imo she played up to media attention levels she wasn’t used to & liked it too.

She is but human.

Consequences etc

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Celebrity is a corrosive condition for the soul.

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There was no coming back from this.


Cult of Jack & Ferguson is dying out slowly

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