Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Probably the best Wexford hurler over the last 10 years or so. Smashing defender. Must be frustrating for him that his career mostly coincided with a poor Wexford team and now when he is retiring they are showing signs of improvement.


Excellent player. He soldiered on during fairly barren years for Wexford. Strange to retire now when Dunne seems to be building a good, promising team but he has been there a long time even if he is still young enough.

Keith Rossiter appears to be overrated outside Wexford.

I was just going to post something about that. I can’t remember exact games or details but I do remembering what all the fuss was about a couple of times.
I wonder was it cos he was tanned and had a different name?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1081935, member: 273”]I was just going to post something about that. I can’t remember exact games or details but I do remembering what all the fuss was about a couple of times.
I wonder was it cos he was tanned and had a different name?[/QUOTE]

What was his different name?

Keith ‘Tanned’ Rossiter.

Kerry legend Darran O’Sullivan has retired from the bank. We wish him well.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1081935, member: 273”]I was just going to post something about that. I can’t remember exact games or details but I do remembering what all the fuss was about a couple of times.
I wonder was it cos he was tanned and had a different name?[/QUOTE]

A very talented hurler and had a number of excellent games. His display against Tipperary in the 2007 quarter final stands out in my mind. But he was often absent for one reason or another. His retirement quotes in the Irish Independent today mention him being determined to do all the training last year. The point being he missed a lot of training and games over the years. Obviously we were shit for large spells and had a dubious management set up or two but we needed our best players to be leading from the front during those times, and this didn’t always happen.

Not saying he was shit or anything, just over rated.

Rossi was thrown around different positions in the backline which often meant he never nailed down a single position he could excel at. He plugged a hole at full back for many years when I believe he was a better corner back but we had no-one better than him for full back. The 2007 game you reference was all the sweeter as Shefflin had destroyed him in the previous game at centre back before destroying Skippy at full back before Skippy was replaced after 20 mins and bate the wall of the tunnel a few times on the way to the dressing room.

As far as I’m aware he’s been plagued with back and hamstring problems since he was 14 / 15 years old and was never able to shake them off fully which resulted in him missing large parts of seasons as you reference above. Most importantly behind it all he’s a sound lad with no notions about himself that you’d associate with a lot of Oulart lads.

Who would you rate ahead of him among his Wexford contemporaries?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1081935, member: 273”]I was just going to post something about that. I can’t remember exact games or details but I do remembering what all the fuss was about a couple of times.
I wonder was it cos he was tanned and had a different name?[/QUOTE]

George O’Connor always had a great tan as well.

His hair has also retired from his head!

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1081935, member: 273”]
I wonder was it cos he was tanned and had a different name?[/QUOTE]

FFS. That’s a bizarre post even for you Kev. Because he was tanned? Nobody is saying he’s an all time great. I was generally impressed with his displays. I’m surprised the Wexford lads don’t rate him but they’d have seen a lot more of him than me.

I would imagine that the Moorish sailors had a field day in Wexford back in the day.

Wexford gets more days sunshine than any other county in Ireland each year. Its natural that we’d be more tanned than the rest of the country.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1081935, member: 273”]I was just going to post something about that. I can’t remember exact games or details but I do remembering what all the fuss was about a couple of times.
I wonder was it cos he was tanned and had a different name?[/QUOTE]
Unlike you.

FFS, what kind of a guilable eejit are you?

Very like me really. I tend to look ahead so much I find it quite easy to forget the past.