Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Press conference if you don’t mind…

Is he the first hurler or footballer to call a press conference to presumably announce his retirement ?

Whatever happened to players just not telling anybody in the media they were retiring, like the great Mick Lyons?

Stand by for the greatest festival of humblebragging of all-time from Shefflin.

What a cunt.

Gone are the glory days of getting a text on an Octobers evening asking you to not attend training.

Will Sky or RTÉ snap him up ?

Depends on which one agree to televise the presser live.

Press conference ffs, you didn’t see JJ Delaney or Tommy Walsh holding a press conference and they both better hurlers than him

Henry is a big deal.

And doesn’t he just know it.

Tommy better than Shefflin? Ah fuck off.

Wonder what new venture he’ll be announcing - never struck me as much of a media whore and punditry is a pretty crowded field these day.

For the supposed Greatest Of All-Time™ Shefflin was never exciting to watch. There was never a buzz in the crowd when he got the ball that made you people think something special was about to happen. Maybe that’s because he wasn’t the Greatest Of All-Time™. He was a superb player in a great team, whose style was also dull, monotonous and not in the least bit exciting.

Yes he was, Tommy Walsh used to dominate every game he played for about 5 years

Spot on, he was no better than at least 2 or 3 of his teammates at any stage in his career

I would argue he’s not even the best hurler to retire this winter let alone the greatest of all time and I absoultely love this KK team
I genuinely would have Eoin Kelly equal of him for talent, JJ for versality along the back line and Tommy Walsh for just being the stand out player in hurling for about 4 summers in a row.
Henry was the glue that held it together thuogh and he deserves his moment tomorrow. The biggest tribute we can pay is that we saw what happened in 2010 when he wasn’t fit.

A press conference ffs. He really is dragging the arse out of this retirement more than even O’Driscoll did. Everyone knew he was retiring months ago but he wanted all the attention that a stand alone announcement would bring - god forbid he’d have to go with the others. Could have easily announced it before Christmas and it wouldn’t have impinged on Ballyhale’s club campaign one bit.

He might even show up wearing the Kilkenny number ten jersey again back to front. :rolleyes:

Great player in fairness, single handedly pulled the drawn final game against Galway out of the fire. Always thought Walsh and Delaney were better players though. When Walsh used to catch puck outs over forwards heads and send it 90 yards down the pitch it was always more psychologically damaging to the opposition. Delaney in particular never mouthed off and berated refs the way Shefflin always did either.

A fucking press conference though. That’s cuntish behaviour.

I’d agree with that. Excellent hurler but I never got the hype about him.

As somebody alluded to already, there was never a buzz when he got the ball like DJ or Kelly, good hurler etc etc but I never understood the ott plaudits
What a cunt at the same time, calling a press conference

Maybe the press conference is to announce he is undergoing gender reassignment or something

Happy retirement, Henrietta Shefflin.