Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

are you now ?

and how many shares does the govt have in BOI ?

The state doesn’t own Bank of Ireland, pal. At least I don’t think a 15% stake qualifies as ownership under relevant laws in Ireland. Maybe you’re confusing them with AIB?

is @Bandage having to make his own tea today? is that what you are hinting at?

[QUOTE=“Piles Hussain, post: 1112235, member: 363”]So you didn’t watch the first half in which he was outstanding while all around him were floundering?
Galway pissed the chips in the second half. When they were roaring in the first, Henry was the one keeping us in it.

Loving the seethe levels on here.

Henry :clap:[/QUOTE]
Just watched it now. Outstanding :smiley: He hit a few frees over and even missed a few handy ones

That portly Tipp oaf from TodayFM rushed straight to the carvery after Henry was done:

well that’s one way of avoiding playing in div 1b… Farewell king… :clap:

He described former colleagues JJ Delaney and Tommy Walsh as his toughest opponents over the years.


[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1112632, member: 2272”]He described former colleagues JJ Delaney and Tommy Walsh as his toughest opponents over the years.

of course no one outside of kilkenny

Who were you expecting, James Murray for fuck sake?

I’d say the rugby crowd are seething that this roaster has cut short their media frenzy.

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1112632, member: 2272”]He described former colleagues JJ Delaney and Tommy Walsh as his toughest opponents over the years.

Who could have predicted.

At least JJ had the good grace to name Ken McGrath alongside his training partners when asked who his toughest opponent was.

JJ Delaney comes across as an alright sort.

I see he’s going to miss the training the most.

I’d say when he was leaving St Kieran’s, it was probably the homework that was cited as what would be missed most.

Thought he would have found Gerry Quinn a difficult opponent tbh

Would you not be better off concentrating on the “exciting” new prospects of the Waterford team. Mullane is very excited about their chances for the championship and I’m nearly sure he reckons they will win the league, but maybe that was his excitement getting the better of him,cos he’s very excited you know. Also excited are a number of fellas I work with from in and around die hard hurling strong holds such as Lismore Park, Grantstown and Tramore, real staunch Waterford Gaa “fans” who go to all the matches. In fact one of them proclaimed to me on Monday morning that “we are back”. Where did ye go Sam? Hurling people who have seen Henry’s career develop into the greatest hurler of all time have something that the likes of you and you kind will never have. There’s great hurling people in Waterford, @Fagon o Dowd is one of them, but by Christ there are some amount of wankers that call themselves gaels and you epitomise them.

“Tommy Welsh sent me a clip of The Wolf Of Wall Street last night where the lad stays on.”

GAA players love The Wolf Of Wall Street almost as much as The Shawshank Redemption.

What’s the worst day you’ve ever had in a Kilkenny jersey?

“Jeez, that’s a real left centre question.”

That’s rich coming from you and your folk - what have ye “Gaels” done to promote Gaelic games outside of hurling in ye’r county? Ye look down on people from other counties as if ur own the game of hurling and ye invented it. So don’t give me that shite about waterford people, take a hard look at what’s going on closer to home first.
Why wouldn’t Mullane be excited about the championship? There’s an unbelievable group of talent young lads coming through in Waterford, that dare I say it, even Kilkenny would be jealous of.

[QUOTE=“Sam Swarek, post: 1112720, member: 2293”]That’s rich coming from you and your folk - what have ye “Gaels” done to promote Gaelic games outside of hurling in ye’r county? Ye look down on people from other counties as if ur own the game of hurling and ye invented it. So don’t give me that shite about waterford people, take a hard look at what’s going on closer to home first.
Why wouldn’t Mullane be excited about the championship? There’s an unbelievable group of talent young lads coming through in Waterford, that dare I say it, even Kilkenny would be jealous of.[/QUOTE]

they arent gaels in kilkenny mate, shefflington, tennyson and the like are hugenot names