Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage


So tell us what motive you are aware of …

Sure i’m only speculating but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude that she is likely to spring up somewhere soon doing media work or possibly run for a political job, counciller maybe. Why else does she court such attention and not just sail into the sunset. JJ Delaney didn’t seek out any of this bullshit. I don’t recall Tommy Walsh, Brian Hogan and these guys making and a song and a dance either.

A retirement press-conference is the way to go now. The cats started it.

You’re certainly no rocket scientist.

She will be the new Liz Howard

JJ Delaney has been on The Last Word numerous times since his retirement and has also signed for Sky as a pundit.

Anna Geary is in demand because she’s fucking hot. And very charismatic, flirty on screen, and had something to say, at least during her Vincent Browne appearance.

But JJ Delaney is quite handsome as well, it must be said.

+1. RTE News reporting on the retirement of a fucking camogie player is a thundering disgrace. Absolutely irrelevant.

Fuck me if ye think Anna Geary is hot…as camogie players go she is the best of a very ugly bunch but calling her hot is wide of the mark…plus, how could anybody fancy somebody whose better at hurling then them (I’m not referring to the Cusacks here btw)

You’re in the know I’d say. Or else you are very good at guessing.

isn’t she a carpet muncher?

That was the yank bird that won it i think you’re thinking of, mate. Short brown haired cute one? This Anna girl is from Cork and plays full back for the Cork camogie team, fine strong thighs on her, blond dyed hair.

it must be the captain of the cork women football team then, a big dyke I am thinking of, sure you know what they are all like down in Cork

Valerie Mulcahy your thinking of, a right looking dyke to be fair

Lars pub was broken into the other night, and the week’s takings robbed. He’s had a bit of a meltdown on twitter over it, offering a €5k reward for information leading to the thief’s capture.

Can’t do the picture thing to his tweets but he said: “When I get the fucking prick that broke into my pub last night and took the weeks takens I will be taking the law into myown hands this time.”

Also, a la Liam Neeson in the Taken: “I will not stop till I get u”

He also uploaded the CCTV of your man breaking in. The chap just rocked up to the door and let himself in within seconds. Lar might as well have left the key under the mat for him it was that hard.

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In other news;
Michael Jackson has died.


I’m guessing Lar is a bit of a simpleton.

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Another question is how can this gombeen be stumping up €5k in a bid to capture the thief? What would the week’s taking at his bar be? €800? Unless your man took more than Lar is letting on. Would he be stupid enough to have say €20k at the back of a press in the office? In a bag with a big money sign on it no doubt.

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Entirely plausible that he would be that stupid.

Ah his an alright sort, but would be partial to simpleton mannerisms.