Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Mr nice

Lots of value here in Munster club

Champs should come from kerry or Castlehaven.

Serious value in Kerins O’Rahillys. 3x tenners on Haven, Rahillys & Crokes should be covered.

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That would be a shame. Lovely hurler.

I completed my investigation into what happened here and it reflects very badly on Liam Dunne. I think there’s simmering discontent in Wexford and I wouldn’t be surprised to see at least a couple of our better players take a year out from inter-county hurling next year:

  • Tell much maligned local reporter Brendan Furlong that 4 senior players won’t be involved in next year’s squad (Ciarán Kenny, Richie Kehoe, Éanna Martin and Rory Jacob) AND give him their mobile phone numbers in case he wants to get a quote from them;
  • Furlong rings the players and all of them bar Martin answer. The 3 of them are shocked/confused because Dunne hadn’t told them they were dropped;
  • Furlong puts it in the local paper;
  • Jacob announces his retirement and mentions in his statement released through the GPA how hurt and upset he and his family were by recent local media reports saying he’d been dropped;
  • Despite being Oulart-The Ballagh club-mates I don’t think there’s any love lost between Dunne and the Jacobs. He dropped Mick from the Wexford panel a few years back too;
  • While Furlong is taking a bit of flak for running with the article, the players aren’t dumb and know where he got his information. Thus it was fairly stupid of Dunne to use him like that.
  • I’d speculate that Jacob by putting the local media mention in his statement was actually hoping The Wexford People would react by defending Furlong and outlining the chronology of what happened. They pretty much said “fuck it” and didn’t bother. They just reported his retirement and quoted the full GPA statement bar the local media criticism. :laughing:
  • Meanwhile The Wexford Echo seemed hurt to be implicated in the catch all “local media” criticism so only devoted a paragraph to Jacob’s retirement :laughing:
  • I’m not sure if this was the first attempted salvo in a concerted squad heave or not. I understand Richie Kehoe eventually got hold of Dunne on the phone and gave him an earful anyway;
  • Tomás Codd leaving the set up last year was a massive setback by all accounts. A solid guy and steadying influence and he has St Martin’s going well this year. Griffin taking a step back was very detrimental too;
  • It was apparently a fairly miserable camp and, as I mentioned before, I think the manager seems to be taking the Roy Keane (his idol) approach to man-management. What was he hoping to achieve by dropping players in this manner?
  • There seemed to be totally unnecessary conflict, passive aggressive behaviour with players and dumb/botched attempts at machiavellianism at the expense of players. Bizarre carry on;
  • I understand Billy Walsh was helping Dunne out with some stuff this autumn but only got involved informally on the basis he cut this type of shit out. But then this stuff happens soon after;
  • Oh well.

I think it was reported in the papers, but in any case, there was a fairly embarrassing situation when Dunnes ratification came up before the CO board. As with all these GAA meeting type shitehawkery, you have to be noinated and seconded, the usual procedure. Anyways, Dunnes ratification was discussed, but no one nominated him for age, and then no one seconded him. I think someone from Oulart eventually seconded him, but considering Jacobs mother was on the top table committee, she could have done so, but chose not to, furthering the embarrassment.

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how twee


Any word on Tommy Dunne or did you make that up?

Would anyone notice if some of Wexford’s “better players” took a year off?


Course they would, mate. We’re a pretty big deal being one of only a handful or so counties who’ve won an All Ireland in the last 20 years.


Meath’s Kevin Reilly has packed it in.

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Not a star.

True that.

He’s Royally fucked with injuries from reading his spiel.

Conor O Mahoney retired today. Brilliant hurler for Tipp. Tipp’s best centre back for a long time. Had the necessary aggression which many Tipp hurlers have lacked while he’s been there. Always did well when he came on the last few years and should have still been the starting centre back IMO.


Only 31…

Best of luck to Conor O’Mahony, a decent sort who played the game the right way. I remember him giving that lanky cunt Pa Cronin bags of it at a WC Cup match in Templemore. Cronin thought he could act the cunt, he was wrong.

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Not the flashiest of centre backs but he never let Tipp down. As you said carry, he played the game the right way. Alright sort too.

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Am I right in saying Conor would be a handy Rugby player? Are Newport still a decent standard Rugby team?

WC ???

Waterford Crystal Cup.

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