Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Sounds like a cunt

They came looking, his club told him to work away, that they couldn’t blame him. He mugged them right off.

Sounds like they wanted to get rid of him

Dunno, he was starting with them a few years later.

Colm Parkinson I presume?

Was he much of a player?

I wonder would he have made any difference in an All Ireland Club Semi with Portlaoise had he stayed.

I suspect that shite going on all over, we had generations of interference from Cork Co board to the detriment of GAA locally

You weren’t a bad half forward for Mt Sion either :+1:t2:

Did the overseas tours take it out of him? 32 is relatively young still

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He’s lost a yard of pace. Won it all to be fair. Made it as a player.

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Presumably took no money for any of that publicity stuff?

Not at all. Helped us out three times, had plenty of time for the kids and to listen to me drone on about how it’ll take a near professional team to beat us…

Fair play to you Kilkenny lads.

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Only in Laois could this sort of behaviour be seem as something worth boasting about.


The club he cleaned out would be generally hated in Dublin, doubt anyone was too sorry for them. More power to him. He’s a fierce sound man.

He left his club for a bit of money. A cunt

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Not at all. A ball of money. Set himself up the grandest and the club gave their blessing. Winners all round.

I dunno. Would a sound man leave his own club high and dry for a few grubby euros?


They did just grand without him.

It’s a strange view you’re taking here. Would you leave your own club for a bit of cash?

Not at all. A bit of cash is no good to anyone.

A ball of cash is another matter.