Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Because to some people Gaelic football is a way off life especially for a rural club. Dont want to bore you with a big speech but there wasnt even a consideration of the offer. You play for the club you are born into no matter what in my eyes and that’s way we look at it down here


Portlaoise lost their chance at an All Ireland because Parkinson took his 30 pieces of silver off Parnells. Parkinson then spends the last 5 years moaning about the unfairness of Portlaoise being unable to compete with the big Dublin Clubs. The lack of self awareness on show is frankly stunning. But that’s Leix for you I suppose.


Because he’s not from Laois.

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No, they lost their chance when they were beaten by Ballina. He fucked off on holidays before the semi final that year as captain. It was a despicable act.

They lost to KIB because they took them completely for granted, even calling off the Paddy’s day parade in the town thinking they’d walk it against the Clare men.

Don’t try add narratives where they don’t exist old friends.

Townie cunts don’t understand this sadly

You started this by glorifying the type of behaviour you are now bemoaning

I said I don’t blame a lad for taking a ball of cash off a Dublin Club for a few years and tipping back.

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Yep. Exactly the opposite to @RedHandHuns point that you were nodding along in agreement with

No, he said it was a bad act. It is, I agree. But I don’t blame a lad for fleecing a Dublin club for a ball of cash for a few years. They were throwing it around like confetti there, it was obscene.

So you don’t blame a lad for a bad act? You’ve wrapped yourself up in knots here.


Taking money off a Dublin club is to be applauded. What are you not getting?


The depth of your double standards. But I’ve got it now. Thanks


Funny how you don’t hear Clubs elsewhere offering big cash for players. It seems rare outside the Dublin clubs. Sure you get rumors of it here and there, but it seems like it was rife in Dublin for a long time. Maybe other Clubs don’t have the same resources and money as Dublin clubs. That must be it.

Moving the goalposts now to get back on your favourite hobby horse.


The goalposts are right where they always were.

I don’t begrudge Bealin his kitchen

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Your whole argument is based on something that didn’t happen…it was a ball hop aimed exactly at the likes of you :joy: 25 years later you’re still consumed …

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Sure it didn’t. Good one mate.

Were portlaoise bailed out by the state?


I think they were now that you mention it. Dodgy land deal blew up in their big muldoon faces

They’ll say they weren’t but it was GAA money and we all know where that comes from. Townie cunts haven’t hands to wipe their holes.