Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Mick Kilcoyne from Westmeath, hurled with Blackrock in Cork??


Eddie Mahon of Meath went on to play for the Wexford footballers in the 80s

J Griffin from the Carthage Buckley school of refereeing

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This was from an article I read earlier looking for the team. But the post above would suggest your are correct

Spillane – who would be named Footballer of the Year in ’78 – and his brother Mick were two stars on the team, along with Sligo’s Mick Kilcoyne and Galway’s Brian Talty. This Limerick team — in name only, many would claim — took the title with a 14-point win over St John’s.

It’s a shame that was before the era of YouTube. The call-out video from the Laois Trio would have been epic

"Buckley, you rotten no-good so and so. You robbed us out of the Leinster final. If you put off the three lads for using the fist, what broke Gerry Browne’s nose. You so and so. Your so and so linesmen.

Don’t forget we are watching you. It may not be now but don’t travel too far on your own from home. You are going to get what they are getting in the North, the bullet.

And we mean every bit of it. You may never get the chance of taking the whistle in your hands again. I think you were treated with a bit of right in Laois. We are not letting you away with it, no way.

We don’t mind what happens to us so long as we get you. Besides it will never be known who did it. It may go a while but we will get you and your car"

Laois Trio.

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Seadna Morey gone from Clare, taking some time away but by the statement released it sounds like a retirement

Seems like there’s an awful lot of retirements this year than other years?!

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To be very honest unless you get a real feeling there is something to be won if must be very hard for a lad in their mid to late twenties to put in the necessary work and sacrifice . I think Clare are utterly skint too .

At that stage the option of a career or travel is tempting .

Interesting to see the course senior IC will take over the coming years

He won’t be traveling anywhere any time soon

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I never said he would

In fairness bar Mannion & Morey the rest of them are fairly predictable in that they’re either as result of a falling out (C Fennelly in KK) or simply the end of the road.

I wonder was there a tiff between Morey and Lohan

Nobody wants to play behind another boring behind closed doors championship.

Odd thing to mention so

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Actually every intercounty player I spoke to loved the experience

James McCarthy basically said in the Times, the whole thing was an anti climax last year.

I doubt anybody would give a fuck if it’s cancelled now tbh. It’s grand to watch but it just doesn’t really matter as much. Hopefully by 2022 things are back to normal.

It’s nuts county players are being asked to sign into Zoom 6 nights a week to do weights and all sorts of nonsense at the minute.

It’s pure nonsense anyway in my opinion. Maybe a straight knockout for both championships would rescue it a little bit but the enthusiasm just isn’t there for it again imo. Maybe by June we could have crowds again I guess.

Bizarre exchange there

All the covid in mayo because of it too