Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Colm Spillane


They’ve piled up. Only 28 such a shame. He’s a smashing player when fully fit and would he a shoe in for the Cork fb line.

Bill Cooper.


The greatest player who never played.


This will be the straw that breaks TFKs back.

I felt McGrath was a bit of a weak link for Donegal in his early years (probably because he was a bit butty) but he really developed into a top class corner back as the years progressed, should have won an All Star at some point. A tough and understated player.

Fair play to him for being of the few GAA players to speak out on the abortion campaign and doing his bit for standing up for the rights of unborn children. I think that tells you about the class of the man.


Like awarded, mainly for the clever use of the term “butty”.
McGrath would properly be described as a tough, butty wee fucker.
It probably doesn’t read prosaically but it’s a tremendous accolade to get in reality.

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Say it ain’t so Bill

Now what will they do?

They’ve plenty more useless bastards

Did Bill ever win an all star award?

He won TFK - who needs all stars or medals

Thanks for the memories Philly.

Up the Flats :blue_heart:

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The great man continues to outdo himself.


Hes started early today, conscious of the impending 5pm closing time I suppose.


The end of normal time in this year’s All-Ireland semi-final where Philly and Aido were going at it was poignant.

Both of them knew it was the last time. But the dying of the light had to be raged against.

Their hearts demanded it, their guts demanded it, and the public demanded it.


You need a few dogs for the battle. He sorted O’Shea and Gooch out good and proper

Philly would like to be addressed as Philip going forward lads.

He doesn’t always get it right but in fairness that was a good summary of Philly McMahon .

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