Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Fingers crossed he stays injury free.

It’s a thread about retired players lads. Stay on topic.

Hannon is the most skillful centre back of the modern era. Has redefined the position.

Outstanding in 2018 All Ireland Final
Outstanding 2020 All Ireland Final
Outstanding 2021 All Ireland Final

There’s always shite talk about him being a weak link or being taken to the cleaners, but it never happens. He’s an absolute Rolls Royce.

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Very few casual punters would know Declan Hannon. Cian lynch yes. Those Dubs have at least 4 household names. Brogan Connolly cluxton Philly, maybe McCauley cos of his distinctive name.

Hannon will be remembered I think. When I think of the dubs I’d think off Connolly.

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Bernard brogan is extremely famous in gaa terms

Davy Fitz is the most famous gaa person of all time

Ya him and Connolly.

@peddlerscross Is going to erupt here I can feel it.

I think Limerick people don’t realise that 2020/2021 will never really spoken about again now that Covid is over. It’ll be like the famine, a dark time that people will be happy to forget.

None of the games will ever be shown on GAA Gold and I’d wager a lot of the tapes will eventually be burned.

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Do they still use tapes?

To be a Hall of Famer you’d really have to have that 2-in-a-row on the CV.

The Cluxton’s, the Fenton’s, The Cian Lynch’s, The Graeme Mulcahy’s - they all have that.


Kevin Moran is.

It’s Amusing the amount of people on twitter sharing a photo off Paudie Maher jumping like an ape with no Hurley against waterford and saying this sums him up as a player.

Much more people now would know Davy. No one in England would know Kevin anymore

You’ve certainly hit on something here. Can you win one and can you then back it up… The true greats have.


Cian Lynch is by a good distance the best known Limerick hurler and he would be much less known to the general public than the vast majority of Dublin football All-Ireland winners over the last decade, he might be on a par with the likes of Mick Fitzsimons and Paddy Andrews at a push.

His rats tail was iconic

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A lot more people have heard of Kevin Moran, both in Ireland and abroad. Hurling produces very few crossover figures and even then they aren’t true crossover figures in the way association football or rugby players are.

Ah Davy Fitz actually is funnily enough. He’s definitely the most famous gaa man in Ireland. So he is

Cluxton would be currently.