Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Lee Keegan retiring according to my Mayo sources

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One All Ireland and 5 Ulsters. Not bad all the same given what had gone before. The last 5 years were the wasteland you’d say, really bad managerial appointments. But you also need to factor in the inherent madness within Donegal. They probably did well to get what they did.


Pound for pound the best of the last 10 or 15 years maybe?

Is there any chance Murphy takes a year out here, freshens up and comes back in with Jim McGuinness maybe? Playing at 14.

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Ah no :worried:


The Sunday Game have called him and Murphy ashore

The dream is dead mate. Youll always have those september mondays after an All Ireland final where you fought like Lee Keegan that Mayo should have won.


I’ll never forget Leeroy tearing my beloved Abbey CBS Tipperary a new one in a Schools B Football All Ireland Semi final way back in April 2008.

A true Hall of Famer.


He’s been very non committal when asked recently. Thought he would give it another year but that’s one fella who doesn’t owe Mayo anything.

McStay would have a job on his hands is Keegan calls it a day and Oisin Mullen takes up the Geelong offer this time around.

If the injuries clear up maybe.


He owes them nothing but it’s surprising in a way given how Mayo have assembled an A Team of sorts to lead them to the promised land…

One team meeting with mcstay and keegan retires.

No surprises given mcstay is an insufferable arsehole.


I get the impression Leeroy was completely obsessed with Football for so long, then the Lockdown came and he said to himself ‘what the hell is this all about?’

Is it really all worth it.

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You’ve a great insight to a lads psyche

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Jimmy Sloyan had McStay figured out

I think you’ve confused pointing out incorrect refereeing decisions with something you made up.

Who the fuck is Leeroy?

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We don’t have space here for Gaaix of the day awards but I’m sure those lads would know. I presume it’s a nickname the team have for him and now all the lads think they know him if they use it…

McStay has a job on his hands whether or which. They’ve unearthed nobody that’ll make a ha’pence of difference in the past 5 years.
Don’t concern yourself about O’Donoghue or the jingoistic Tommy Goals - duds.


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