Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

A proper GOAT. I wouldnt pick any player above him over the past 20 years. Fair play to him, gave it his all.

Are we sure about this?

Nothing online and there were bullshit rumours on a Dublin GAA page a few days ago.

You’re doubting @anon67715551?

Looks like I am.

By God.

@anon67715551 your reputation is riding on this old stock

I’ve just told my BIL who’s a Mayo man. The man is in bits over it. You better be right @anon67715551

I’m remaining calm here - saw it on a FB post there a while ago and now have no idea where it came from. Reputation - what reputation….

Jesus. We’re exposed here lads

For fuck sake.

Amateur hour.

Cian Lynch has retired.

I just text Lee Keegan, he’s devastated

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I’ll miss the articles in the Examiner

I’m down in south mayo for a few days and after a pleasant evening in spent among people in the know in Lydons in Cong can confirm this is fake news. The Dubs are getting the blame (as usual) for spreading the rumour so @anon67715551 is in the clear.


You’d think they’d even delete the fuckin thing.

Thought I had heard before he was going, but sure he is playing so well still, why go?

All just to fire them up.

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The Dubs are rattled by McStay’s dream team. Resorting to fake news

So in other words, he was about to announce the retirement, some headkicker has gotten his retaliation in first and Lee has the shits as he was only halfway through writimg his statement.