RNLI scum


:joy:… lockdown and this thread is really getting to you.

The Coast Guard emergency coordination centre in Valentia tasked the Coast Guard helicopter from Shannon, Courtmacsherry RNLI and Castlefreke Coast Guard Unit to the area, and requested assistance from gardai and the National Ambulance Service.

What’s the difference between the Irish Coast Guard and the RNLI? Should this not all just be consolidated surely? Why are the RNLI allowed to run their own private army?


@Dav1 @Funtime


The rnli didn’t invent the sea mate.

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Difference is infinite mate.

Massive respect for the Irish coastguard . Risk their lives for us. Proud of each and every one of them.

Rnli is a loyalist money making racket masquerading as a charity . They pay people like @Dav1 to stop the word spreading about their rescue matrix and central allocation committee as references above

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Thanks for sharing . Makes for grim reading but I’m unfortunately not surprised. No yachts = no rnli , doesn’t matter that the common folk are left at the mercy of the ocean

They didn’t invent gun running either flatly but they got pretty handy at arming loyalist militia back in 1914 .
I hope your not drinking @Dav1’s chowder , I know you probably live a distance from the coast but let me tell you people who spend a lot of time at sea like @Rocko and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy know the score on this one

Ye Dubliners were busy fumbling in the greasy till round about then.

Getting filthy, Sunday world stuff :grin:

That can’t be right FFS as a rescue service they’re obliged to turn out if requested

Read the link, they downed tools when the ‘yachts were confined to Harbour.’
If you do one thing this weekend abuse an rnli ‘volunteer’. Parasites the lot of them who take money from genuine sea causes.
By the way if you felt like supporting someone the foyle search and rescue is worthy of a few euro and could use it . Even though they are mainly billy orientated they took. Stand to distance themselves from the rnli on ethical grounds (funding proportion to English coastline )

You’re a very angry man.

Daddy won’t give him the loan if the rib till Tuesday

FYI Foyle search and rescue was formed because of a good friend who I worked with in the embassy Derry, Billy Garnon- his brother jumped from the bridge,
Couldn’t be found, so Billy and another founding member Harry Boyle (rip) and other bouncers and mates started combing both banks of the Foyle until Cliffs body was found
Relaised that this issue needed addressing and that’s how it started.
Several members of FSAR used travel with us to Romanias orphanages/ TB/ Aids clinics for years, all good people
Foyle search and rescue is also funded by Britain in many ways, has members from all sides but A political, much like the coastguard down here, no hidden agenda, and if I thought that RNLI contributions were going to any political/ loyalist grouping I for one would not contribute


Excuse me they are not " Billy boys" at all , know and worked with the founders, both from Derrys nationalist community, Harry Boyle ( brother Sean interned, leading INLA/ official leader in Derry) Other brother Bimbo stickie and INLA,
Paddy Wilson Bogside, and it goes on and on, no UDA/ UVF link at all to Foyle search and rescue, Nigel Bamber married into a nationalist family in Derry,
People in Derry wouldn’t donate a penny if your scurrilous remarks were in any shape or form true,
Think you need to do your homework sham.

Clifford Garnon( rc from shantallow ) is the reason Foyle search and rescue was formed, made up if mostly pp from the nationalist working class areas of Derry.

PS just because a man has an English sounding surname doesent mean he’s a loyalist

If unsure or don’t believe me pm and I’ll put u right 200 percent, either via WhatsApp or phone, I’m an open book don’t lie or deny


I have no issue with foyle search and rescue and in fact I was recommending people donate to them. They do list their address as ‘londonderry’ on their website which sounds a little bit like a Sean Cavanagh use of language.
if you trust FSAR and I do, ask them why they are not amalgamated with the rnli, who try to monopolize non-state sea and river rescue elsewhere in Ireland . I think you will get answers that put an end to your queries. Rnli are the bad guys here, more power to Foyle search and rescue volunteers whatever their backgrounds.

Look don’t/ didn’t mean to be offensive, but (London)Derry is used by all charities in one shape or another, if u delve into any charity in Derry, you’ll get"Stroke city" ( Derry -Londonderry)Doire, as no one in a mixed community wants to offend or cut off donations, TBH it sticks in my craw aswell anytime I hear it, but one has to swim with the tide, I worked in RO with ex loyalist prisoners, as they did with us ( mostly republicans , 7 ex republican prisoners amongst us)
Yet we’d no issues with Derry/ Londonderry , slagging, singing etc, no malice, we each knew our boundaries, could never socialise at home obviously, but worked in amongst kids dying of aids etc which put all our preconceived notions to bed or at least on hold


Funtime sent home with his tea in a China cup