RNLI scum

Someone will have to pick him off the floor first.




Every so often @Corksfinedtboy puts a few mockya hardy boys in their place and its lovely to watch


I’d say the pretend republicans despise the real deal because it highlights their inadequacies,
I’m sure I speak for most when I say that besides his real life buddies and a few who are desperate for a bit of edge the old RNLI thing is gone stale, just boring

Why don’t you just text the lads @Funtime?


Good to see cork tradition of rabble rousing is alive and strong .
I deal in facts, it makes some people uncomfortable and others resentful. I persist nonetheless.
We could debate @Corksfinedtboy contributions to the cause of Ireland or we could rationally and logically establish if the rnli were involved with the British state in the recovery of the body of Mountbatten and aided the subsequent investigation . It is my firm contention that they acted as agents of the British state. And that they carried arms to larne in 1914. It is an established fact that craft and crew were involved in ferrying British military personnel at Dunkirk. If this home truth sits uneasily with their carefully manicured fisherman’s friend Image that @dav1 is paid to maintain, the. I would ask you to look beyond the collection boxes and press releases and at the facts. Rnli are scum. Anyone who has a blind spot for them should read their history.


Nobody cares except your buddies, would you not just set up a whattsapp group so as not to bore the rest of us??


I don’t know anything about RNLI only from what I read

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Wasn’t rabble rousing at all , facts only, those I mentioned can be checked out, verified


I don’t know anything about them either, but I know for a fact that they’ve saved more Irish lives than funtime


Hilarious. @Corksfinedtboy putting the plastic republicans back in their boxes.



@backinatracksuit and @Corksfinedtboy fair play to you both the ball is out of the park.
I was going to enter into another pointless debate about the Irish coastguard (whom I also respect wholeheartedly) and the RNLI however you stopped me in my tracks and wasting more time with @Funtime. Clearly he has no clue what he bangs on about and yes you are right, daddy won’t give him the Rib until after the weekend which destroys his credibility with all the young lads waiting at the 40ft for an auld blast around the bay on the tubes… He’s raging now and all he needs is one of the the RNLI boys to wave in the yacht club window at him…:man_facepalming: Have a nice weekend :+1:

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That’s exactly all I’ve honestly heard

The eastern coast boys have the cork royalists in a ball of shite here

The royalists are too busy congratulating themselves to notice they have lost the PR battle here.

U wot mate?

Corkies see the word “royal” and it just sets them off

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I wonder did @Corksfinedtboy and his real RA friends in Derry every hear about the 51st Battalion and their heroics deeds for the cause.

Casting a fishing line, not on, FYI I haven’t got any friends in any illegal set up, not even in FG