RNLI scum

Battle on here​:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:fuck me

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Good suggestion

Time to let @HBV back into the fold


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He neglects to mention how much money is collected in Ireland, and how much in England.

The CDAC (Central donations allocation committee ) which is entirely made up of Brits, for some reason don’t release this information . They do release info on where it is spent as this is required by legislation governing charities in England .
Irish coins paying for English diesel

He neglects to mention their pro yacht rescue matrix but otherwise raises some valid points

Well you don’t know. It may be that Ireland gets back more than it puts in?

If only that were he.

lets rip down this monument to oppression


They really are living rent free in your head.
Have you tried tinfoil?

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statues like the rnli one of the white guy being rescued and that of edward colston offend most decent people. they both belong in the ocean


The crowd in Bristol had some balls, they weren’t pissing and moaning and writing long essays on an obscure Internet forum, why don’t you do something about it and stop boring the living shit out of us, even for a one trick pony your shtick is dull


Funtime could print off all their posts and send them to the RNLI head office

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I think I speak for a lot of people on here when I say that I find the term β€˜obscure’ insulting to this forum. The moderators and I have built up an important space where social and cultural issues of the day can be debated and the merits of each other’s views respectfully questioned. it is natural that those who resist change and would like to see the rnli β€˜rule the waves’ for years to come seek to diminish the importance of this forum.


It is remarkable to think that in 2020 there are still idiots who refuse to believe that the rnli fished Mountbattens head out of the water at mullaghmore in 1979, and others who think it doesn’t matter.
In a world where some people want to fuck statutes and figureheads of racist colonials into the water, others want to fish them out .


e i e i o

Here’s the perfect job opportunity for you Funtime. Nice part of the world too.


@Dav1 could apply internally for a move across to that department from the rnli

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a noble cause @Fagan_ODowd and deserving of support from every right minded member of this forum. Independent and unaffiliated to the rnli, organisations such as waterford search and rescue are a beacon of hope amid a sea of rnli dominated pro-union rescue militia.