RNLI scum

Seems like the RNLI’s founder was not just a slave owner, but a dogged campaigner for continued slavery in England’s economic interests.


By God.

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I had been careful not to take sides until now because I always felt there might be two sides to the story. Sadly, it seems not.

Game, set and match.

Anyone who is rescued by the RNLI from here on out is endorsing slavery

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It’s all set out in Legacies of British Slave-ownership


Brief extract below: The RNLI was established to rescue the crewmen on ships transporting slaves (not the slaves themselves obviously).

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Deary me.

@Funtime time’s has come. Fun times for @funtime.

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I believe the correct TFK nomenclature for @Rocko’s post would be “Headshot”



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What’s the matter @Dav1 ? Cat got your tongue?

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Unreal scholarship. A great few weeks for Rocko in fact.

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@rocko, I wasn’t sure about this “renounce your white privilege” thing at the start. I had a lot of questions - once I renounce my white privilege will I still able to hail a taxi in Oakland? Will I still be able to share a reassuring and solid nod with random Gardai as we pass each other in the street, without getting a baton over the head? I thought maybe I needed to share my white privileges with everyone instead of renouncing them.

But you’ve convinced me now pal.


All must drown until those who benefited from the slave-trade are removed from respectable society and the truth about their legacy is made public.


What is dead may never die

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it would be childish and small minded of me to demand apologies from @backinatracksuit @flattythehurdler @cowpat @EstebanSexface @balbec and the other slave trade apologists. please make them wholehearted and remorseful lads and dont forget to apologize not just to me but to all those affected by slave and marine rescue injustice.

(In fairness to @Corksfinedtboy he just said factually that he had never heard the rnli described in the way i had done, he wasnt saying my claims were false, i can respect that)

tonight is about celebrating my vindication, over recent days the boo boys enjoyed their pile on, circling me like hyenas would a wounded lion. I knew that it would be darkest just before the light and i continued to resist the imperial, colonial, slave trading narrative of the RNLI Poole HQ through their puppet @dav1.
Did i ever doubt my ability to carry on the fight? absolutely.
Did i ever doubt the cause of highlighting the parasitic loyalist RNLI? not for one minute.

Let these revelations and my vindication be a turning point for this forum. We need to build bridges and move forward as a place where of free expression and where debate can occur. but first we must spend some time dividing the forum between those who deny that the rnli fished the head of mountbatten out of mullaghmore and were instrumental in the slave trade and those who accepted my claims. It will cleanse and sanctify our forum to identify and interrogate those who doubted my truth and let them drown in their own sea of lies.


TBH I never heard of the Mountbatten job,or slavery

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Will daddy give you the loan of his rib so you can take your buddies out to celebrate, there’s a special on Pimms in the Donnybrook fair



Sail on, popeye

By god… It’s no wonder Irish society has a problem with racism, all our institutions were founded by white supremacists. The RNLI, the GAA, the vintners association, Galway… It’s everywhere…