RNLI scum

It’s a miracle.


I’d say they were saying their prayers alright. Borderline miraculous that they survived

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They must of had no experience on the boards previously at all - they’d surely have been able to paddle towards land one way or the other - even if they were being pulled out, the three islands there kinda cant be missed.

Anyway, fair play to the fishermen - we’d be burying the two paddle boards waiting for the RNLI to do their thing

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They may have survived because they were women and didn’t try and paddle back out of ego. Conserved their energy.


Not paddle back - jesus no - paddle towards the islands or the shore — maybe they did but were just sucked out between both, but going with the current they could have surely have made a dash for land either side of them

They did something right to survive that. Amazing.

I think a few years ago there was a wind surfer who was dragged out from Ballybunion and ended up in Clare somewhere.

It’s a long long way from Clare to here

Must be the guts of 20 miles.
Staying with the boards saved them. Even still they were blessed. That lobster pot must have been the last tether between them and south america.

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Joe Duffy has the fisherman on now

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Fair play to NĂłgra

"The amount of people on the water is absolutely phenomenal and is testament to the people of north Clare and Galway Bay that have we ended up with this result.

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The Galway lads were all over this bro. We never panicked. Well Flatty did a little but not the rest of us


Unfortunately this is correct .
My sources tell me the rnli Galway were extremely pissed off when they found out the 2 had survived.

The abject refusal of the rnli and @dav1 to engage with a Disputed Rescues Panel is beneath contempt. How many other “rescues” have we funded for these cunts?


The only place the RNLI searched was Google to try and find out if the missing people had a few bob.


Some man. Followed the wind and off he went.

I know the son who was with him, drinks in the pub. A good youngfella


“They were able to keep afloat on the paddleboards overnight, and that was certainly a factor. Challenging though, the conditions were reasonably warm, the sea water was about 15 degrees but if they had been submersed in the water, that would have been possibly a different story.”

“I think the fact that they were above on the surboard certainly helped a lot, cold water emerging over that period of time, if you’re just in your swimming togs, with a life preserver on, the survival charts would say, 13 to 14 hours, maybe 12 to 14 hours and then you may double that your search efforts in that time, 24 hours. You’ll be very lucky if someone was to last that long in their swimming togs, even at that temperature.”

I don’t care who found them tbh, as long as they were saved, though I do get your drift ( that wasn’t a pun)’’’’’ ppl need to wise up in the water, witnessed them clowns outside Roberts cove lately who had to be rescued ( fucking eejits were baling water for yonks before being spotted, and no life jackets AFAIK)

Gwan the lads :+1:


A story to warm the soul amongst all the doom and gloom. I heard your man on Liveline he came across as an ordinary Joe just doing his bit. All credit to the lads.