RNLI scum

School must be closed

There’s people (at least one) posting here who have given their entire adult life to the internet, so to them I guess it’s all that matters, but sometimes you still get a surprise

and youre saying theyre the weirdos???


This is serious shade coming from a chap who takes pictures of his runners and posts them on the internet

I’ve really hit a nerve for some, wagons circling etc

I never said it was weird, I think it’s pathetic, there’s a difference.
Nice to be part of a club all the same,

Another bizarre post from a fella who posts pictures of his dog on an intern forum and then moans because there’s pictures of his dog on the internet.

Lads need to just be comfortable with who they are. It’s a nawful thing when you’re not.

I’ve only gone and upset a grown man with a job and a family who has devoted his entire adult life to this forum and the television,
Must be very comfortable with who he is when he looks in the mirror

When the kudos of a few lads on the internet is suck a big deal then I guess running down the lifeboat service doesn’t make a difference

You always know you have a lad bet all ends up on the internet when he’s replying to you, but not replying to your post. The Cork boys get all bet up when anyone tackles anything royal.

There’s about seven or eight lads doing that to me at the moment. It’s great.

BBC 2, documentary on these RNLI boys now


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why wont the rnli disclose how much they pay on PR as a proportion of total operating budget @Dav1 ?
they are a slick media operation with very very little to do with marine rescue im afraid

they are a marine rescue cuckoo operation.
they wait for someone else to do the rescue then the media management comes in to play. same thing happened with the Galway paddleboard incident last year. problem is that it is not harmless glory hunting. it depreciates the genuine work of the gallant Irish Coast Guard and various genuine coastal volunteer services.


Afaik the two rescuers in Galway were ex rnli.
You’ve picked a strange hill to die on.

Cc @Funtime


@Funtime did daddy buy you the new Rib yet? Last time the RNLI boys towed you in was very embarrassing. Daddy will make sure that doesn’t happen again eh…:+1:

Look into why the family left the rnli and why they have publicly referred to the rnli as ‘more spin than swim’

@Dav1 good to hear from you again after so long , hope life in airside regional hq is good and the big boys in Plymouth are pleased with your work


Is @Funtime Nigel Farage?

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