Rory McIlroy

Not for long…

Reed? Wouldn’t be shocking he’s been playing well enough recently.

Reed’s short game is outstanding. He is some fella to grind. Harder the course the better for him.

Hes a pure ignorant golfer. Hes bating back at the course

I might as well be up at the home course watching lads hack it around

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I know fellas hate him but you have to admire him. He is a thick ignorant fucker but he doesnt care what anyone thinks. Just puts the head down and gets on with it.


He doesn’t fit the robotic profile of the “my game is great” soundbite merchants.

A cunts cunt

If it’s a choice between him and De Chambeau on Sunday I’m pulling for Reid.

All day every day and twice on Sunday.

That’s some cunt off all the same. I nearly hope it happens

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Another shot gone there.

Cut line looming?

He’s a painful cunt

There’s no shame for Rory in losing to the greatest golfer of all time.

His thoughts after the tournament were interesting, if a little head scratching.

He sounds like the Arnold Palmer of our generation. Except a scientist.

You’ll have 24 handicappers out doing equations on putting greens up and down the country.

Similar to the downside of Bennet winning the green Jersey. The roads will be full of lycra clad wankers cycling 3 abreast on boreens

Ah lads, Bryson is around a good while and doing this shite a good while too… Its not new!

He’s only been taking steroids for a few months though

When his ass was 27 years old, he changed the face of professional golf. He was handed the keys to the kingdom: multimillion-dollar deals, endorsements. Everyone wanted a piece of his shit. Just a man with a mind for victory and arms like fucking cannons. But sometimes when you bring the thunder, you get lost in the storm. And a true champion, face to face with his darkest hour, will do whatever it takes to rise above. A man fights and fights, and then fights some more. Because surrender is death, and death is for pussies. And his ass ain’t no pussy. His ass is a fucking champion.

I was just about to ask that, was there a break on PED testing during the lockdown?

Edit: @Tierneevin1979 @Faldo @EstebanSexface , I’m actually serious, what’s your opinion on this? Doper? I don’t see why he had to wait until lockdown to put on all this muscle tone. Was he not working out before? Was he not practicing golf during lockdown?