Rory McIlroy

Am I right in saying that everyone is judging a fella over something he might do in 7 years time?

not me mac, generally i see who is arguing & the person I like I back & the person i dislike i lay into - the topic itself means little to me:thumbsup:



:smiley: :thumbsup:

Someone from Wexford who works in Dublin ‘takes the soup’ apparently, whereas someone who switches allegiance from Ireland to ‘Great Britain’ is what then exactly…

NCC got to the point earlier on, as he often tends to do - querying McIlroy’s motives is deemed a display of hardcore/barstool republicanism, which doesn’t actually make any sense whatsoever. Those rushing onto the offended bus could therefore be regarded as barstool loyalist sympathisers. It’s lazy and reflective of whatever chip they have on their own shoulders.

Golf is organised on an all island basis, as are the Olympics. McIlroy has represented Ireland in team golf events in his amateur days and will be playing in the World Cup for Ireland later this year too so it’s certainly quite odd that he’s planning on switching allegiance.

I haven’t said that it’s not his own choice, because it is, but I make no apologies for being interested in the story. Is he still looked after by ISM and that ‘Chubby’ Chandler guy? He has quite a stable of golfers and also manages Freddie Flintoff and negotiated the huge Indian Premier League deal on his behalf. Would more endorsement and sponsorship opportunities present themselves to McIlroy as the ‘Great British’ hope? Probably.

[quote=“north county corncrake”]not me mac, generally i see who is arguing & the person I like I back & the person i dislike i lay into - the topic itself means little to me:thumbsup:[/quote]:thumbsup::D:barcasmile:

Yours in :clap:,

Nonsense, you’re deemed to be a soup taker because you’ve denied your muldoon heritage and have thrown yourself into being an urbane Dub with all the zealousy of a convert. It’s not because you work in Dublin.

you seem to have this taking the soup on your mind quite a bit these days- let me clarify- the soup has not & will not be offered to you

McIlroy likes golf. Putt putt spiddily sput.


And let me clarify once again, I don’t eat Oxtail soup, which is all the mean, syringe-strewn streets of Dublin offer. Bandage can eat as much of it as he likes, it still will not satisfy him.




without been offered you will never know what soup you’re getting despite how desperate you are to get some

Soup Soup
Tasty Soup Soup
Spicy carrot and corriander
Chilli chowder
Crouton Crouton
Crunch friends in a liquid broth
I am gespatchio Oh!
I am a summer soup Mmmm!
Miso Miso
Fighting in the dojo
Miso Miso
Oriental Prince in the land of soup


that soup taker jibe really scarred you.
I blame the dunph myself.

This is soup taking right here.


that soup taker jibe really scarred you.
I blame the dunph myself.[/quote]

:smiley: Indeed, the only thing to do when one is accused of being a soup taker is to call blue murder and start a relentless witch hunt against other suspects.