This surely marks George’s return to the bigtime. The economics lad is moving to London and George will be back to his old haunt in no time.
Brian O’Connell in London must be seething. RTE closed their London office a few years ago and he quit after many years service. Then Brexit kicked off. Tony Connolly has basked in the Brexit glory now for years.
An insufferable depressing prick. Then you’d catch him leaning against the ring at some obscure mart asking farmer’s opinions. What he was really doing was alerting us to what a clever and forward-thinking genius he was or imagined he was.
If he fell into a boghole I wouldn’t give a shit about him the pretentious bollocks.
Sharon is gone fucking terrible at presenting when she does a live piece or an interview. Seems slightly manic and struggles with the continuity bit after it.
Conor Kane is a very tentative and lightweight replacement south east correspondent for Damien Tiernan. Strange delivery as if he’s a child reading a passage from a book aloud. I want to see improvement here.
There was some chap on the sports bulletin at the weekend (think it was the Sunday 6.01) who was absolutely all over shop, almost to the point of incoherence. These cutbacks are hitting RTÉ hard.