RTE Correspondents

A nerd

He was a few years ahead of me in college. A complete political nerd back then too

I thought he looked young enough. Can’t be if he’s a few years ahead of you

Be about 40/41 I’d say. I’m just gone 38 mate.

Paul Cunningham is doing his best to look like glen hansard these days.

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Does he think all the forearm movement gives him some sort of gravitas?

They are all it, arms flapping all over the place.
Just stand there and say your piece

The American correspondent is the worst and is not capable of standing remotely still

David Davin Power was never one for this arm waving craic.


It’s a relatively new concept that I’ve noticed lately. Politicians are obligated nowadays to talking this way as if it were semaphore. Damian English FG is a notable exponent.

It’s designed to mask the bullshit they’re espousing (cc Derek McGrath). Disgusting practice.

All the forearm movement ironically makes him look like a wanker

Sharon Gaffney.

I’ve noticed that she scrubs up reasonably tidily on the telly.


Fran McNulty is the worst correspondent they have. No doubt a nice, pleasant man but his reports, delivery, questioning style and his own take on things are all fairly mediocre.

The Kerry lad (Sean Mhic on something) is getting a few great stories at the moment with not much news about elsewhere. He had an exclusive last week with a farmer on some island off the Kerry coast discussing one of his sheep giving birth to four lambs in one go. (For non culchies this is a rare phenomenon)

Can’t beat a black dress :heart_eyes:

Brian O’Donovans updates in the last while have been gas. He’s broadcasting from some horrible looking street in Washington, presumably close to where he lives. The neighbours houses look shite, with lots of overgrown untidy shrubbery. One of them had dumped an old couch onto the sidewalk during one of his broadcasts last week :joy:


Sidewalk? You mean footpath, mate

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fuck off brit boy

FFS - have i taught you cunts nothing

Looks like a bit like parts of south Boston

Protestants would call it a footpath alright. Us Catholics would call it a toepath


Did I hear someone in the background say “motherfucker…” at the start of his segment?